Thursday, July 18, 2019
An Undesirable Quality
Respect is perhaps one of the initial virtues taught to any individual. As a person living in a community, the aide of respect is a pre-requisite to be able to subsist in the light of socialism and harmoniously interact with other people. This form of virtue cannot be comprehended nor understand through readings and factual information aloneâ€â€it needs to be done, experienced and be consistently noted in any person’s daily handbook of attitude so as to evaluate whether a person’s act is flowing on the stream of respect or on the unethical state of the opposite.In the case of the academic perspective, student discipline and classroom management have always been a concern for teachers, administrators, and teacher educators. Control has become a greater problem in the last half century, for troubling historical and sociological reasons that we do not attempt to explore here. Yet at the same time the problem has grown, and the public has become increasingly agitated, t he educational dialogue about discipline and management has attenuated.This is why the drive for respect must be taken in full force in any entity or in any groupâ€â€this saves lives even, not only for this immediate purpose, but for the future generation as well (Lightfoot, 2000). Respect on the social context Social psychology stresses that respect is the key to etiquette across all of the class and ethnic divisions as well as with the basis of gender. Apparently, to be able to gain respect from others, one must have dignityâ€â€a social equivalent of the term, â€Å"rights†â€â€hence the receiving and granting leads to what is preferably called as â€Å"friendship†or interpersonal relationship.This kind of â€Å"taking and receiving†of respect is then characterized to be a vital factor in achieving a higher level of understanding with each other, and on the brighter side of the explanation, a form of â€Å"contentment†by which both of the individuals would later state as a â€Å"form of acceptance. †Further, respect does not come from facts or ideas or the exchange of such, it is how the person actually interacts with another in a manner wherein the other person does not pay high regard on what, who, or whatsoever it is the one has.In most cases, the virtue of respect helps a stranger identify a person’s personality. As philosophers state it, the idea of being accepted is considerably one of the highest achievements a person may have. It then proves the idea that individuals have the innate need of being â€Å"respected†in who he or she is, what he or she does, and of course, on what the other person preferably wants one to treat him or her. Mutual respect Like trust, many people say that respect has to be earned, but they never quite tell you what actions a person is required to take in order to earn this respect.It's probably also true that in most people's thinking, respect is not very disti nct from agreeing with or liking. For example, when people say, â€Å"I respect her opinion,†what are they really sayingâ€â€that they agree with it, that they like it? And what do people mean when they say, â€Å"I respect him†? The essence of respect is accepting a person for what they are and what they present themselves to be. Respect exists in a range from mild acceptance to total admiration. On the acceptance end of the spectrum, we decide that the values and the behavior of someone is within the wide range of what we find to be tolerable.We may not fully understand the person or her motivation, but we've found a way to accommodate her that minimizes conflict. On the admiration side, we fully endorse the values and behavior of the person and hold them up as a model for ourselves and others. When I hear people say that they do not respect anyone, my guess is that they are saying that there is no one that they admire in all aspects of life. Very few people hold up to this high standard for respect, especially in these days when the private lives of public figures are put under the close scrutiny of the media.In coaching people, it's not necessary that you maintain this high-end standard of respect. What is required is that we respect clients in the domain of activity in which we will be coaching them, and within the day-to-day relationship that we personally have with them. Understanding the need of â€Å"respect†There are many people who do not understand the exact and precise definition of respect. It may be taken to assumption that this is because they lack the immense establishment of such or either they are not yet mature enough to understand how important it is to respect.In most cases, respect is only sought in one’s life if the person experiences the opposite of itâ€â€being disrespected. Several cases have been noted with regard to â€Å"fights†or â€Å"misunderstandings†because one person has hu rt another person’s feelings. In critical analysis of similar situations, the misunderstanding starts by either the person, making an act which is undesirable or not giving importance to what is called â€Å"laws†or rules. By not following these rules, the person is then marked with the concept that he or she is not giving importance to what is â€Å"righteous†or â€Å"deferential†in the majority.The level of respect comes in various forms, normally, a person who is selfish and is not properly oriented with the â€Å"flow†of respect often times commit the mistakeâ€â€all forms of culture, race and religion is demanding for it. Respect has always been an issue. Moreover, it has been in written in the face of literature and of history, it is odd to realize that there are still those who is not enlightened by its importance that they continue to commit the fury of â€Å"disrespect. †The exact opposite of respect Our parents are the most important teachers in one’s life.Parents teach their offspring the desirable quality that their children must possess and correct them for any form of undesirable quality which may eventually come along the life of the child. Disrespect is not taught in schools, nor at home, is happens when a person is not able to understand its importance. Tracing back history there commenced numerous civil wars on the issue of â€Å"disrespect†â€â€black Americans were treated â€Å"with no respect†by making them slavesâ€â€and so they fought for their freedom. That certain point of glitch which has been found between both parties has caused lives.As a matter of fact, there were numerous works in literature by famous authors who presented the agony of those who were â€Å"disrespected†so to speak that it fired up their emotions, making them have the cry for respect on the battlefield. Furthermore, as portrayed on movies, when a child talks back to the parent, t hat is a form of disrespect. It only denotes that idea that the child does not give importance on what his or her parent is trying to say. In cultural scenario, once somebody steps on a religious group’s sacred entity, it is punishedâ€â€also termed to be disrespect on their supernatural being.Ecuadorians are known for being particular in the degree of ‘respect’, the Chinese community is also famous for this certain point of characteristic that tourists must have. One significant example of the practice of respect would be the isolated vicinity of North Korea, wherein each citizen is obliged to pay respect over their hailed leader that whosoever shall cross the borderline of this â€Å"respect†shall be hated by all of their nationality. Aside from the mentioned instances, this form of undesirable quality often happens in the basis of status quo or social hierarchy.In the social aspect of the country, there is a demarcation line between the elites, the average, and the oppressedâ€â€whether it is taken on the account of financial, social, mental or religious subject. Moreover, the most important basis of this argument all boils down to the focal and fundamental passage and fact in humankind, the 10 Commandments of the Holy Bible (Exodus 20: 1-17). The Ten Commandments or the basic laws deliberately and literally stress the fact that respect is a must. It has been literally emphasized that individuals must respectâ€â€all these commandments show the need of respect.There are several forms of disrespecting othersâ€â€stealing another person’s property is a from of disrespect, by not adhering to what is â€Å"legal†is disrespecting the law, to commit others’ rights as one’s own is disrespecting one’s own worth, not to remember important and necessary dates is disrespecting them as to not giving them importanceâ€â€hence, some may not be able to notice the grave effect of one’s ac tions, one may be able to realize these things if he or she experiences the pain of being reprimanded or not respected, at that. How to avoid being disrespectfulSometimes, we oversee the importance of respect in our lives. We disregard others’ feelings that we are unaware that we are stepping on them. For a person to be able to avoid committing ‘disrespect’ or disrespecting others, one must keep in mind the importance of it. Perhaps by facing one’s shoe on one’s foot, by then, a person may realize if he or she is about to say or do something which is disrespectful. Oftentimes, the act of being disrespectful is triggered because of swank personality or arrogance that one is not able to see the â€Å"mistake†hitting the ground.To expunge away from committing such, one must fall in the streamline of the â€Å"basic laws†or to glue their rationality in the vortex of tradition and linger on the virtues taught by our parentsâ€â€to resp ect other people especially the elders. These merits are taught in almost any form of organization or in any subject. Reason enough to be remembered and inculcated in any person’s being. Being able to get knowledgeable of others’ culture, or others’ belief shall also serve of good help.Primarily, trying to understand the differences of every individual and trying to decipher the meaning behind this diversity that unfolds any human being shall open the doors of respect. As a matter of fact, greetings and other respectful words are taught to individuals so as to use them in dealing with others. Respect for human rights that can be understood as a moral imperative from the perspective of the ethic of justice. From a feminist orientation, the ethic of care in schools is a moral necessity. An ethic of care fleshes out the skeleton of justice, adding relationship, motivation, and meaning to the educational mission.The ethic of justice forms the crucible for practices of care. Precisely, both the ethic of justice and an ethic of care need to be differentiated and articulated in order to imagine the valuable insights each has to offer to teachers. The ethic of justice is externally visible in practices and behavior while the ethic of care is fundamentally inside the one-who-cares and the one-cared-for. This â€Å"insideness†of care is not initially visible to an observer, but remains a highly potent aspect of the relationship.The ethic of care does eventually become observable in the growth of belonging, motivation, and empathy in learners. Conclusions and further remarks It is indeed true that for a person to understand respect in the most concise definition of the word, one must be able to understand the exact opposite of it. It may have compromised my self-admitted arrogance and desolate form of understanding on how to care to other people, but indulging my own self on how to keep my mouth closed, or not to follow what I want is a benef icial thing to do in order to achieve respect from others.If I want to be respected by other people, then I must give them the exact point of respect that they want. Not only on the sole basis of my rationality and understanding on the term, but on comprehending their understanding of it as well. There may be no exact and similar definition on ‘respect’ but there is a universal one on ‘disrespect’â€â€stepping on other people’s rights would be the most fitting term. To be able to prudently understand â€Å"disrespect,†one may base the fact on the literal basis of the term, in any dictionary that may possibly define such; it shapes up to exponentially negative thoughts:â€Å".. boldness, coarseness, contempt, discourtesy, dishonor, flippancy, hardihood, impertinence, impiety, impoliteness, impudence, incivility, insolence, irreverence, sacrilege†To have these characteristics is driving away other people from the circle of â€Å"mut ual understanding. †As I have researched on the different synthesis of â€Å"disrespect†and the effects that I may have, I am fortunate enough to be given the chance to correct this undesirable quality which is in no doubt unadvisable.Nobody would want to befriend a disrespectful person, worst, if not corrected in the soonest time possible, then the consequences may not be paid much attention and rigor repair. I have learned that it is important to follow rules and to follow what our parents and our teachers tamed us to be. Not to take the course of life like a game or that of â€Å"trial and error†scenario. Being a person living in a community, interaction with other people is imperativeâ€â€not unless a person lives in an island with nobody to interact and respect, then the wrath of superciliousness and arrogance may keep one on his or her leash. Reference Lightfoot, S. L.-. (2000). Respect: An Exploration (1st ed.). New York, NY: Perseus Publishing. Â
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