Monday, September 30, 2019
The British Prime Minister Now Has Presidential Powers
Thâ€Å"The British Prime Minister now has Presidential Powers†Discuss the Validity of this Statement It would be correct to say that over the years the British Prime Minister has become more of a Presidential figure in Parliament. Recent prime ministers that have been referred to as presidential include Margaret Thatcher, Tony Blair and Harold Wilson. Prime Ministers are supposed to be ‘First Among Equals’ (Primus Inter Pares), however recent Prime Ministerial actions have got people questioning whether or not the Prime Minister has more power and is becoming a Presidential figure.The idea that the prime minister is now more presidential is drawn from the knowledge of the United States president and how the British Prime Minister compares to him. Firstly, the media turns the Prime Minister into a political celebrity. The actions the Prime Minister takes inside parliament and also much of the PM’s personal life is publicised in newspapers and television. T he Prime minister is the spokesperson for the government. Although their access to the media can be used for personal benefit, the media has been more critical of politicians in recent years.There is evidence of this as the BBC made allegations that the Iraq dossier was ‘sexed up’ during Tony Blair’s time as Prime Minister (class notes). The U. S President tends to have media coverage also. The wider use of special advisors increases how presidential the Prime Minister appears. The ‘Spatial leadership’ that the Prime Minister now adopts also gives us this impression. Prime Ministers now distance themselves from parties and government and develop their own ideologies. Examples of this include Blairism and Thatcherism (class notes).In times of distress in the country the people often turn to the Prime Minister in search of a solution. They PM tends to reach out to the people in times of crisis, for example, David Cameron returned home from his holiday early last year to address the issue of the London Riots (class notes). The power of the PM has increased in recent years as the prime minister has now increased control over Cabinet Office, which has turned it into a small scale Prime Minister’s department. The Prime Minister has the capability to dominate his cabinet. This makes him more like a president asCollective Responsibility is an effective way of ‘gagging’ his ministers. All ministers are expected to support publicly all decisions made in cabinet, or else resign. For example, in 2010 David Cameron was discussing with cabinet about building a Millennium Dome. Before a decision was made, he went outside and told the awaiting media that a dome was being built. Therefore the Prime Minister made the decision alone and cabinet couldn’t disagree (class notes). Another example of this is that Gordon Brown announced his decision to give independence to the Bank of England.Blair and Brown took this decisio n alone and Mo Mowlam, one of the most popular ministers in Blair’s cabinet stated, â€Å"I read about the bank of England decision in the newspapers†(Politics Review). This clearly shows that the Prime Minister can dominate his cabinet and make decisions despite him being â€Å"Primus Inter Pares†(first among equals). As the years go on, Prime Ministers are also having shorter and less frequent cabinet meetings and are holding more bilateral meetings. The amount of cabinet meetings has declined from 100 a year to approximately 40.Under Margret Thatcher’s parliament, her Cabinet was used less than previous Prime Ministers and annual meetings took place about 35 times. Under Blair, meetings rarely lasted an hour. This is evidence of the Prime Minister becoming more presidential and tackling decisions alone rather than with Cabinet. Thatcher and Blair also tended to have more committees and sub-committees. Blair’s ‘Sofa government’, Th atcher’s ‘Wise men’ and Wilsons ‘Kitchen Cabinet’ are all operating through bi-lateral meetings between the Prime Minister and advisors, so policy was ratified before it reached cabinet.These are all examples of Prime Ministers taking matters into their own hands and becoming more dominant and presidential. The dominance of the Prime Minister over Parliament is also shown in the ways that he/she chairs important cabinet committees and sets the cabinet agenda. Setting the cabinet agenda allows the Prime Minister to leave anything that may be difficult to come to an agreement on in Cabinet, to the end so that there will eventually be no time to cover it and the Prime Minister has to come to a decision on his/her own. Margaret Thatcher was said to have done this quite frequently.This shows that the Prime Minister can therefore decide on important affairs without having to consult cabinet. Tony Blair was noted to have used cabinet Committees a lot. The P rime Minister is also considered presidential because of what is seen as a growing ‘West Wing’ in Downing Street. This is due to the increase in Political Advisors in the PM’s office. The advisors help the Prime Minister make decisions even though they are unelected themselves. This means that they effectively influence his decisions and help him bypass cabinet, for example Blair gave his advisors power of Civil Servants.On the other hand, the Prime Minister can give considerable control to his cabinet members, which isn’t evident in American politics. For example, during Blair’s reign as PM, the Labour party was said to have a ‘Duel Monarchy’ due to how much power was given to Gordon Brown. Other ministers can constrain the Prime Ministers power and effect his decisions, which doesn’t happen with the U. S president. The Prime Ministers personality is an issue in how much power they have over Cabinet. They have powers over office but some may be more proficient than others in the exercise of those powers.Some Prime Ministers have been good in government management and other haven’t. Some adopted an autorical approach and some others focus on policy reflections. The amount of authority a PM had depends on how assertive a personality he/sh has. For example, John Major was often ridiculed for his inability to make decisions and was seen as a pushover (class notes). The PM’s popularity with the public also dictates how much power they have. At the moment, David Cameron is restricted from acting presidentially as a result of the constraints of a coalition government.The coalition government may weaken the powers of Cameron as many compromises need to be made to keep the government stable. For example, Cameron had agreed to a referendum on the electoral system. He had agreed to introduce fixed term elections. Liberal democrats hold key cabinet positions. Unlike the president, the PM may face resista nce in cabinet as particular cabinet members may not go along with a particular proposal. For example, Thatcher’s parliament lost a bill as the majority of cabinet voted against it.The PM cannot completely ignore his cabinet. Unlike the U. S. A, the cabinet is Britain is elected. The cabinet can overthrow the Prime Minister is he is disliked. This cannot happen in U. S government. In conclusion, the Prime Minister, in many ways over the years has increased his/her power to such an extent as to appear presidential. However, there are many constraints on PM power to conflict with this view. Whether or not the Prime Minister remains in high powers depends on power, personality and circumstance.
Sunday, September 29, 2019
Just Lather, That’s All Essay
In the story, â€Å"Just Lather, That’s All†by Hernando Tellez, the barber would have been a coward had he killed Captain Torres because, when he killed the captain he was unarmed. Secondly, he would have to flee leaving all he had behind. Lastly, he would have been vulnerable. The barber was weak and afraid of killing captain Torres and to be called as the murderer of the captain. The barber would have been a coward because; he killed the captain when he was unarmed. As soon as the captain entered, â€Å"he took off his bullet – studded belt that his gun holster dangled from. He hung it up on a wall hook and placed his military cap over it†(48). The barber knew that the captain was unarmed and as per his thoughts, this was the best time to kill the captain and as he was unarmed, he would not be able to attack the barber. He was a coward as he thought of killing captain Torres when he was unarmed. Secondly, the barber would have been a coward because he would have to flee leaving all he had behind. He was well aware that he would have to run and thus he made a statement, â€Å"I would have to flee, leaving all I had behind, and take a refuge far away†(51). He would have to run, saving himself from Torres’ people. As he would have killed the captain cowardly, he had to hide his face from the society. He would have to find places to hide himself from Torres’ people. He might also have to lose his job. Furthermore, the barber would have been a coward because, he was vulnerable. He was weak and afraid of killing captain Torres, especially with his eyes open. Thus, when the captains’ eyes were closed, he whispered, â€Å"I could cut his throat just so – Zip, Zip! I would not give him time to resist and since his eyes were closed he would not see the glistening blade and my glistening eyes†(50). The barber would have thought that as the captains’ eyes were closed he might not come to know about his thoughts. The barber would even not give him the chance to perform any such actions which would create problems for him. Thus all such thoughts of the barber, about killing the captain secretly would prove him to be a coward. Henceforth, the barber would have been a coward had he killed Captain Torres because he took the opportunity to kill the captain when the captain was unarmed so that he could not attack him (barber). He would have been a coward as he would have to flee leaving all he had behind and find places to hide himself. Lastly, he would have been a coward as he was vulnerable and afraid of killing Captain Torres.
Saturday, September 28, 2019
Chemical Stress Testing
In this case, a chemical stress test is used. This test is used to help your doctor determine if you have any kind of heart condition causing the chest pain, if arteries to the heart have blockage or narrowing, identify an irregular heart rhythm, monitor the heart’s response to treatment or procedures, and plan rehabilitation after a heart attack. A stress test is a clinical standard often used to detect coronary artery disease. The imaging portion of the test is identical to that used during stress echocardiography or isotope stress testing and is performed either in a cardiologist office, a satellite lab or the hospital. An intravenous line is started in the arm, the blood pressure is checked and an EKG recorded. Common medications used for a chemical stress test include dipyridamole, dobutamine, and adenosine. Medication is supplied until 85 percent of your age-predicted maximum heart rate has been reached. In the initial phases of exercise in the upright position, cardiac output is increased by an augmentation in stroke volume meditated through the use of the Frank-Starling Mechanism and heart rate. Treadmill stress testing is the test of choice when a patient is able to exercise because of the physiologic effect that exercise has on the blood pressure and heart rate. It also helps give the physician an idea about the patient’s exercise tolerance and whether or not the exertion has any adverse effects on the patient’s symptoms or irregular heartbeats. The treadmill test involves walking on the treadmill at a predetermined intensity based off of your fitness level. Every three minutes the speed will be increased. This continues until you reach 85 percent of the age predicted maximal heart rate. References www. thirdage. comchemical-sress-test www. livestrong. com www. heartsite. com Chemical Stress Testing Chemical Stress Testing Chemical Stress Testing In this case, a chemical stress test is used. This test is used to help your doctor determine if you have any kind of heart condition causing the chest pain, if arteries to the heart have blockage or narrowing, identify an irregular heart rhythm, monitor the heart’s response to treatment or procedures, and plan rehabilitation after a heart attack. A stress test is a clinical standard often used to detect coronary artery disease. The imaging portion of the test is identical to that used during stress echocardiography or isotope stress testing and is performed either in a cardiologist office, a satellite lab or the hospital. An intravenous line is started in the arm, the blood pressure is checked and an EKG recorded. Common medications used for a chemical stress test include dipyridamole, dobutamine, and adenosine. Medication is supplied until 85 percent of your age-predicted maximum heart rate has been reached. In the initial phases of exercise in the upright position, cardiac output is increased by an augmentation in stroke volume meditated through the use of the Frank-Starling Mechanism and heart rate. Treadmill stress testing is the test of choice when a patient is able to exercise because of the physiologic effect that exercise has on the blood pressure and heart rate. It also helps give the physician an idea about the patient’s exercise tolerance and whether or not the exertion has any adverse effects on the patient’s symptoms or irregular heartbeats. The treadmill test involves walking on the treadmill at a predetermined intensity based off of your fitness level. Every three minutes the speed will be increased. This continues until you reach 85 percent of the age predicted maximal heart rate. References www. thirdage. comchemical-sress-test www. livestrong. com www. heartsite. com
Friday, September 27, 2019
Does the internet create more distribution problems than it solves Essay
Does the internet create more distribution problems than it solves Critically evaluate with reference to channel conflicts. include relevant examples and theories in your appraisal - Essay Example Bovet and Martha (2000) explained this in their value net, wherein the distribution centre provides bought products on a just-in-time basis. (p58) What this means is that the Internet significantly reduced the cost of distribution, while making the process faster and responsive to the needs and requirements of the consumers. Now, this is the ideal landscape. Several years have passed and a wealth of experience has been collected. There are some sectors who argue that the Internet has created new distribution challenges, which are dominated by the emergence of channel conflicts. This paper will explore this theme. Particularly, the investigation will focus on the tourism industry. For some, the Internet is considered one of the greatest developments in the history of mankind, if not ever. (Katz and Rice, 2002, p2) This claim may have some ring of truth to it since the technology has almost single-handedly reduced the world into a global village, effectively eroding the effect of time difference, geographical location and national borders in the way people interact and consume goods. The platform became popular because it allowed easy and inexpensive communication of one to one, one to many, many to one, and many to many – an achievement that is unparalleled in history. (Sullivan, 2002, p177) It has helped globalization to achieve its purposes and, in turn, is encouraged by that economic phenomenon in a mutually reinforcing relationship. This is the basis of the emergence of the so-called e-commerce concept, a new model that significantly challenged the traditional bricks and mortar model. Through the internet technology, people can sell products and se rvices over the internet network without having to worry about store space and intermediaries. According to Gay, Charlesworth and Esen (2007), the technology allowed the linking of front and back
Thursday, September 26, 2019
The risks associated with ionising radiation in medical imaging Assignment
The risks associated with ionising radiation in medical imaging practice, and the precautions required to protect aginst them - Assignment Example Due to the in effective training and inadequate awareness given to the staff as well as the patients they are exposed to more unnecessary radiation (Koenig et al 2001). Ionizing radiation is used in applications such as medical imaging in the hospitals and to perform diagnostic imaging. In the medical imaging, the most common forms of the ionizing radiations are the gamma rays and the x-rays. These medical imaging practices are important in the medical field because of the determination of the diseases and different injuries in the human body. However, aside from these benefits and life saving tool, these ionizing radiations has certain limits and conditions to be applied on the patients and people. The reason for this is due to the fact that high doses of these ionizing radiations are responsible for the formation of cancers. The ionizing radiation in the medical imaging is found to be one of the most important discoveries of the medical science. Even with the use of the new technol ogy, the equipments are highly capable of posing high radiation doses if the treatment procedure is not well maintained and followed (ICRP 2000). Whereas there is a strong debate going that the usage of these ionizing radiations may cause genetic mutations and cancers. As it is well known that there is no such dose below which there is no risk of any harm to the exposed one or a zero risk (ICRP 1990). So it is important to avoid the exposure to these ionizing radiations but how can this be possible. Of course someone that needs medical attention and for different diagnosis, one has to go through these treatments, but on the first hand the primary cure is to improve the life styles and the determinants that may cause the health damage to be improved. Below is the typical effective dose from x-ray radiation. Exam Effective Dose mSv (mrem)1 Chest (LAT) 0.04 (4) Chest (AP) 0.02 (2) Skull (AP) 0.03 (3) Skull (Lat) 0.01 (1) Pelvis (AP) 0.7 (70) Thoracic Spine (AP) 0.4 (40) Lumbar Spine (A P) 0.7 (70) Exam Effective Dose mSv (mrem)2 Mammogram (four views) 0.7 (70) Dental (lateral) 0.02 (2) Dental (panoramic) 0.09 (9) DEXA (whole body) 0.0004 (0.04) Hip 0.8 (80) Hand or Foot 0.005 (0.5) Abdomen 1.2 (120) By improving our health status and also improving our physical mental and social states, we can avoid these threats even at the first place to be exposed by such ionizing radiations even for the diagnosis. However the main concern regarding the ionizing radiation is the induced cancer among the young children from the CT scans. As the young children are more susceptible to get the cancer as compared to the elders, so the more controlled experiments and discoveries are to be made in order to avoid this risk of more cancer due to these ionizing radiations. But another debate that why the need for these medical imaging are increasing day by day even with the more sophisticated technology and new era of research, does that means that science failed to improve the health st atus of the world’s population even with the advancement. The answer could be controversial as the health is comprehensive phenomena and does not depend on one facto but many. So there is a need to improve the
The Skills In The Identification Of The Hypothesis Essay
The Skills In The Identification Of The Hypothesis - Essay Example There is a suggested cohort study that revolves around the interaction of three variables namely age, cohort and period factor related to the time of study but the regression between the said factors can produce insignificant relationship since the said factors can be considered as demographic values used for baseline data gathering and establishment. This was perceived to cause a statistical error on the basis of colinearity (Cole et al., 2008). A suggested method to resolve such issue is the application of partial least squares (PLS) to study the different variables involved which can yield significant data since the method is not totally dependent upon the gathered data and other variables such as repeat purchase and type of brand can also be analyzed (Cole et al., 2008). Based on the study of the article undertaken it can be considered that the hypothesis then,  is that changes that are associated with the age of a person have effects on the cognition, setting goals , habits, and choices. Results have confirmed the hypothesis. The older population can base their choices regarding product and brand choice on a wider perspective compared to the younger population. The differences can be attributed to different points which include the fact that older consumers possess different fundamental psychological attributes. Although this is the case there are other factors that can also affect brand choice including the individual experience of the consumer, the environmental effects and the importance of the product (Cole et al., 2008). The hypothesis was confirmed but the further study and exploration of the topic are required to be able to answer the question in the manner the age-related factors affect older consumer’s brand choice.
Wednesday, September 25, 2019
The Nurses Role in Tackling Coronary Heart Disease Essay
The Nurses Role in Tackling Coronary Heart Disease - Essay Example There are about 17 million who die from cardiovascular diseases on a yearly basis (WHO, 2011). Most of these deaths are attributed to coronary heart disease and cerebrovascular diseases. Physical inactivity, unhealthy eating habits, and smoking are just some of the causes of these diseases. In 2009, about 5000 died from coronary heart disease in Wales with about 118,000 people having had a heart attack at some point and about 120,000 more suffering from angina. This disease also cost the NHS about 3.2 billion pounds with about 9 billion pounds cost to the entire UK economy (BHF, 2011, p. 2). The trends in the incidence of CHD are largely based on social patterns with mortality rates higher for the deprived areas, as compared to the least deprived areas. The rates of CHD in Wales are slightly higher as compared to the rest of England with male incidence rates higher than 10% as compared to the rest of England. Behaviours commonly attributed as causes for CHD include smoking, unhealthy eating, physical inactivity, and heavy intake of alcohol (BHF, 2011, p. 2). Obesity, increased cholesterol, high blood pressure and diabetes are considered risk factors for the development of coronary heart disease. Coronary heart disease, also known as coronary artery disease is said to affect about 14 million men and women in the US (Singh, 2010). It develops when fatty materials, calcium, and scar tissue accumulates in the arteries supplying the heart with blood. These arteries are arteries crucial to the efficient functioning of the heart with such heart muscles being supplied with oxygen and nutrients to enable heart functions (Singh, 2010). This plaque narrows the arteries and as a result, the heart does not get an adequate supply of oxygen-filled blood. With narrowed blood vessels, the blood flow to the heart becomes slower and causes chest pain or angina (Singh, 2010). With continued plaque formation, complete blockage of arteries may result, causing a heart attack (myocardial infarction) or disturbance in heart rhythms leading to sudden cardiac arrest. From years of its earliest development, the inner linings of the coronary arteries are very smooth and this allows the smooth and easy p assage of blood through the different systems of the body. As a person gets older, the cholesterol and calcium content in the arterial walls accumulate, making them thicker (Singh, 2010). The plaque formation on the arterial walls is primarily caused by unhealthy diets, including one which is high in fats and cholesterol. Smoking and limited activity or exercise can increase the plaque formation. This process is known as atherosclerosis or the hardening of the arteries (Singh, 2010). This plaque forms like a firm shell, but has a soft inner core where cholesterol is stored. When blood hits such plaque
Tuesday, September 24, 2019
Economy and Telecommunication Networks Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words
Economy and Telecommunication Networks - Essay Example TDF has its disadvantages too in that division of labour leads to greater interdependency thus developed countries like the US allow and favor free flow of information to ensure management and coordination of other countries (Kamalipour, 2007). Therefore, TDF leads to developed countries controling the developing countries because of heir overreliability to their countries. Secondly according to Sawhney, ‘industrielaizedcountries take a disappropiate share of the additional wealth produced by specialization and leave the ordinary workers poorly compensated for their contribution’ (Sawhney, 1998). Lastly, TDF also leadsds to developed countries using it as a means to challenge local authority in third world countries. The most interesting issue in this book is the division of labour. This is issue is most interseting because in my view, this is where it all began. This is root cause of telecomunications data flow and other technologies. It is amazing how in the past business people could achieve produciton succesfully while using all locally available raw materials and complete a product from scratches. It is also pitiable that products that could be easily transported were only light high value goods like silk, which furthermore could only be afforded by the rich. Indeed division of labour has changed the world in that common people can affrod foreign producst . Moreover, division of labour has increased production rate, and enhanced specialization which has further led to quality due to experience, while also cutting on
Sunday, September 22, 2019
Keystone XL Pipeline Analysis Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3000 words
Keystone XL Pipeline Analysis - Research Paper Example The fourth and final phase of the Keystone Pipeline system is referred to as the Keystone XL Pipeline. This is by far the most ambitious expansion of the existing pipeline system. The Keystone XL Pipeline calls for the installation of over 1000 miles of 36†steel pipe beginning in Hardisty, Canada and ending in Steele City, Nebraska. This additional piping will increase the carrying capacity of the entire Keystone Pipeline system to over one million barrels of crude petroleum products per day. While the first three phases of the Keystone Pipeline have has supporters at all levels of government and in the business sector, the Keystone XL segment has been met with protest and controversy almost from the first moment is was proposed. Many different groups have taken their turn criticizing the pipeline project. The controversy has caused the Obama administration to suspend the permitting process that is necessary for the project to get started. Through regulatory control, the Obama administration has halted planned construction since March of 2013. The depth and breadth of the protests has caused this regulatory action. The first set of protests against the Keystone XL segment centers on environmental concerns. ... The aquifer is massive but relatively shallow. The importance of keeping this aquifer clean and safe from petrochemical pollution cannot be overstated. The primary use for the Ogallala Aquifer is irrigation of crops. The invention of center-pivot irrigation in the 1940’s and broad implementation of the technology in the 1950’s allowed farmers in the Great Plains to dependably raise crops such as corn, soybeans and peanuts that traditionally needed to be grown in more humid climates. This shift in land use forced out less water intensive forms of agriculture such as dry land ranching and created an agricultural economy heavily dependent on irrigation for success. Before the advent of the Keystone pipeline system, the greatest threat to the Ogallala Aquifer was over pumping. Some regions of northern Texas and Oklahoma discontinued or diminished water extraction from the aquifer because the water table was dropping at and increasing rate. Withdraw from the aquifer greatly exceeded the rate of recharge, threatening all agricultural activity in the region. Farmers were forced to adjust their methods of cropping and pasturing. The water table has since bounced back and is at near normal levels because of these changes made in the 1980’s. This example of cooperation between environmentalists and farmers is offered to show that the population of the Great Plains region recognizes that protecting the Ogallala Aquifer is in the best interest of everyone in the entire region. This explains the widespread opposition to the Keystone XL portion of the pipeline. In addition to providing water for irrigation, over 80% of the drinking water for residences is extracted from the aquifer. The Keystone XL phase cuts
Saturday, September 21, 2019
The BCG study Essay Example for Free
The BCG study Essay The Boston consulting group is a global management consulting firm serves as an advisor to clients in the private, public, and non-for-profit sectors across the world. Now, the Boston consulting group is private company with more than 75 offices in 43 countries and recorded revenues $3700 million in 2012. The headquarter of the Boston consulting group is in Boston and employed 6200 consultants. The company was founded by Bruce D. Henderson in 1963 as a division of the Boston sage deposit and trust company. In 1975, Handerson arranged an employee stock ownership plan and the buyout or all shares was completed in 1979. Serving as a management consulting firm, Boston consulting group acts as an adviser to many businesses, governments, and institutions. The recent clients of the Boston consulting group include Google, IBM, American Airlines, Ford Motor Company, Tata Group, Havard School of Public Health, Russian Ministry of Energy, Government of Canada and so on. As a world’s leading advisor on business stratedy, the Boston consulting group focus on cooperate clients to identify their highest-value opportunities, address their most critical challenges, and transform their enterprises. The SWOT analysis of Boston consulting group: Strangths Weaknesses Well accepted in the industry of consulting. Expertise covers a wide range of insustries. Lagging behind in the technology area. Comperetively low scale on the area of oprations. Opportunities Threats Strengths: Well respected and globally accepted brand in the strategy consulting domainBCG, over the years has cultivated and built up a reputation for itself and a corporate brand which has become almost synonymous to strategy consulting. In the process, BCG has pioneered some path breaking ideas and concepts in the strategy consulting domain that provided innovative frameworks and solutions to address the needs and problems of business community. The companys focus on conceptual, strategic thinking has yielded many concepts that went on to become classics of strategy, and resulted into many academic constructs, tools and methodologies. It pioneered the growth share matrix/BCG Matrix model which was one of the famous concepts in resource allocation strategy and was the basis for origin of further models.The company also formulated many concepts, including the experience curve, time-based competition, sustainable growth, and total shareholder value, which many organizations have leveraged to improve their competitive positions. Most of BCGs models are regarded as benchmarks in strategic management and business consulting areas. The strong acceptance of BCG as a strategy consulting brand differentiates it from many of its peers and equips the company with competitive traction. Expertise developed across multiple industry sectors strengthens its business reach The company has gradually developed broad expertise in offering services for various industries, including automotive, biopharmaceuticals, consumer products, energy and environment, engineered products and infrastructure, financial institutions, insurance, media and entertainment, medical devices and technology, health care payers and providers, metals and mining, private equity, process industries, public sector, retail, technology and software, telecommunications, industries, transportation travel and tourism, and social impact. The company works with humanitarian organizations on a range of areas, including poverty and hunger, global health, education, community and economic development, arts and culture, philanthropy, and corporate social responsibility. The expertise developed across multiple sectors, industries and areas enables the company to keep its business sustenance at high levels. Weaknesses: Lagging technology enabled offerings with a poor presence in technology consulting BCG, on a relative basis to its competitors lagged in integrating and utilizing technology in its various offerings and also has a relatively weak technology consulting practice. Technology consulting is one of the high potential areas for consulting companies to take advantage of the growth potential it offers in long term. In recent years, technology companies, such as Capgemini and Infosys, added business and strategy consulting capabilities to their portfolio to pursue cross-selling opportunities for consulting services for their existing clients. Further, consulting companies, such as Accenture and Deloitte Touche, developed technology capabilities pursuing growth opportunities. As a result various companies, such as Accenture, Capgemini, Booz Allen Hamilton, IBM and Infosys, have achieved strong presence in technology consulting. However, BCG has not been a significant player in the technology consulting area. Also, most of its competitors developed strong research andanalytics platforms to support their various consulting practices by creating large outsourcing capabilities in strategic locations. The companys poor presence in high growth practice areas, such as technology adversely impacts its growth prospects and cross-selling opportunities. Lower scale of operations limits its competitive ability The companys scale of operations is comparatively lower than its competitors. Many of its competitors, such as McKinsey Company, Accenture, Deloitte and Booz Allen Hamilton, have substantially greater financial and other resources than the company. For instance, the company’s competitor, Booz Allen Hamilton reported revenues of $5,859.2 million during the financial year ended March 2012 (FY2012). Also, the company’s another competitor, Accenture reported revenues of $27,862.3 million during the financial year ended August 2012 (FY2012). Comparatively, BCG recorded revenues of $3,700 million in FY2012. Large scale enables these competitors to leverage on their facilities and resources to achieve operating efficiency. The company stands to lose out often in bidding for larger projects and assignments due to its lower scale which also impacts its operating efficiency significantly. Opportunities: Management consulting market potential in emerging markets The emerging markets are expected to record strong growth in coming years driven by their contribution to global commerce. Despite the global economic slowdown and recession in developed countries, the emerging markets continued to maintain growth. In coming years, the emerging markets are forecasted to increase their contribution to global commerce and consumption. This can be perceived by the growth prospects for emerging markets. For instance, the emerging and developing economies real GDP growth is forecast to reach about 5.5% and 5.9% in 2013 and 2014, respectively, compared to a growth of 2.1% in 2009. The growth is being driven by China, India, and other emerging Asian economies. Positive outlook for emerging markets provide growth opportunities for various businesses. Moreover, in recent years, most of the companies in emerging markets continue to pursue global practices in their operations. Positive outlook for emerging markets provide growth opportunities for various businesses. Moreover, in recent years, most of the companies in these markets continue to pursue global practices in their operations. BCG being one of the major players in the business consulting market is in a position to capitalize on growth opportunities in providing services for companies in emerging and developing markets. Positive outlook for non-IT end markets drives demand for consulting servicesSome of the companys non-IT end markets returned to growth trajectories in 2011. Markets including the healthcare, oil and gas, and pharmaceutical markets are forecast to show a steady growth. For instance, the US healthcare sector is providing positive growth opportunities for the company. According to the industry estimates, the total US healthcare expenditures were $2.7 trillion in 2011, and are expected to reach $3.5 trillion by 2016. The US healthcare expenditures are projected to grow at a compound annual growth rate of about 4.6% during 2007-11. Healthcare spending in the US is expected to reach 20% of gross domestic product (GDP) by 2021. The global oil, gas and consumable fuels market is forecast to reach a value of $10.9 trillion in 2014, growth at a compound annual growth rate (CAGR) of about 13.5% during 2009–14. In addition, the US government initiatives are catalyzing the growth of new energy projects. Further, the pharmaceutical industry is one of the fastest growing industries in the world. According to MarketLine, the global pharmaceuticals market grew by 3.5% in 2011 to record a value of $782.1 billion and it is forecast to reach $971.1 billion in 2016, an increase of 24.2% since 2011. BCG conducts research and analysis across a range of industries, including biopharmaceuticals,benergy and environment, and health care payers and providers, among others. Positive growth in such end markets will result in the origin of new projects, thereby creating the demand for the companys consulting services. Threats: Intense competition BCG operates in a highly competitive consultancy business and requires product and solution innovation on a regular basis to create and maintain competitive edge.The company faces competition from other large players in the consultancy market such as McKinsey, Accenture, Deloitte Consulting, Booz Allen, and Ernst Young International. BCG also faces competition from companies that originated in the strategic consulting environment such as Bain, firms with core competence in IT solutions such as IBM, Capgemini, Hewlett Packard, and Infosys entered and extended their presence in the consulting industry, bringing a new breed of innovations and solution design, allowing other smaller IT companies to do the same. This trend may put pressure on the margins of mainstream consultancy firms such as BCG. Intense competition in the marketplace may negatively impact BCGs growth in market share and margins. Continued and prolonged weakness in global economic outlook In recent years, the global economy has undergone significant turmoil amid stock market volatility, difficulties in the financial services sector, tightening of the credit markets, softness in the housing markets, concerns of inflation and deflation, reduced corporate profits and capital spending, reduced consumer spending and various other economic difficulties. According to industry estimates, the global economy is expected to remain weak and uncertain in 2013. The downturn in the euro zone is forecasted to continue till the end of 2013. The recent macroeconomic data, state-level regional data, and the increased volatility in the financial markets in the US shows significant downside risksto the economic growth in the near term. In addition, factors such as weak household balance sheetsand confidence, relatively tight financial conditions, and continued fiscal consolidation are expected to halt the growth. According to the IMF, the US economic growth is expected to fall from 2.2% in 2012 to 1.9% in 2013.Weak economic outlook could affect business prospects of the company. The company derives most of its business in strategy consulting and substantial part from government and quasi-government agencies. The government bodies in developed world have deferred their various expenditures to curtail growing fiscal deficit. Similarly, large organizations in these countries have planned to go slow on their domestic growth strategies. The company may find it difficult towin new consulting business from these regions.
Friday, September 20, 2019
Factors That Determine the Success of Supermarkets
Factors That Determine the Success of Supermarkets 4.1 The general factors that determines the success of supermarkets Supermarkets are using all kinds of tricks to attract customers from introducing to new offers to give them loyalty discount. Supermarkets are providing all kind of incentives to customers. And starts of online shopping of grocery service by Supermarkets have created more convenience for the consumers to order their groceries from the comfort of their home. Here the author is discussing the success factors of the Supermarkets. 4.1.1 Range of choice The Supermarkets sells range of products. Consumers have wide variety of choice to select the product they want. It is important for the supermarkets to keep all the products in stock otherwise consumers will move to other supermarket or retailers. Consumers are very sensitive on what they buying. They always like that the supermarket they shop should keep the products in stock all the time. Supermarkets always monitor the consumer buying trend and always keep the certain products in stock all the time. It is also important that supermarkets should keep all the products in stock at all their stores. Now supermarkets even sells the ethnic foods like, Indian, African to attract ethnic customers. 4.1.2 Products must be on shelves Products should be on stock is important but what more important is to they must be on shelves. All the products must be properly displayed and the product mix must be adequate so it becomes easy for the consumers to choose the products. Supermarkets monitors what consumer buys most with the particular product or what he/she would like to buy with that product and then they display those products in the store next to each other. It makes easy for the consumers to choose products easily. It is also been seen that Supermarkets always display basic necessity products like Milk, Bread etc. in the last corner of the store so consumers have to reach there by passing and looking at all other products which attracts them and persuade to buy. 4.1.3 Effective Marketing Supermarkets use all sorts of marketing strategy to attract the customers. Their adverts are more customer centric which they like attract. For e.g., Asda attracts customers with the slogan Always low price. Tesco slogan is Every little helps as they wants to attract a large economical consumer group which cannot afford premium supermarkets like Waitrose and John Lewis. Marks Spenser (MS) and Waitrose attract the premium customers and also create their own brand values. Sainsburys and Morrisons attract a medium range customer who wants quality food at competitive range. Sainsburys slogan is Try something new today while Morrisons message is Better than half price at Morrisons, Great savings on big brands at Morrisons. This is the reason Marks Spenser slogan for the food range is This is not just food, it is MS food and same way Waitrose slogan is everyone deserves quality food. However, supermarkets try to focuses the consumer group they like to attract. 4.1.4 Pricing Strategy Price is the major factor which influence to consumers to switch to other supermarkets or retailer. Supermarkets compete with each other to sell the products at the best rate to the consumers. Tesco and Asda is the biggest competitor in the economical consumer range. They are trying to sell the products to best price to retail the customer loyalty to supermarket. Many supermarkets offers price comparison on their website so the consumers can see how much they have saved on their shopping. Most supermarkets also show the competitors price next to products in their shelves in order to make it easy for the consumers to compare. It is the biggest success factor of the Supermarkets. 4.3 Tescos Success During the Recession A Case Study Tesco has presence in 14 countries and have 4300 stores across the globe. It has declared 10% increase in its profit to  £3.5bn. According to Sir Terry Leahy, a Chief Executive of Tesco, Tesco is stronger than it was before recession. It now accounts for more than  £3 out of every  £10 spent on food by British shoppers, while its non-food sales, (clothing, home wares) have topped  £10bn. (Guardian, 2010) Tescos belief is to look after the customers. It also believes that if we sell more we can get better buying terms and those results in to lower price and higher profit margins. Lower prices can bring large sales volume and the cycle continues. Its rewarding Club card is another mile stone in success of Tesco. Tesco has succeeded in making itself largely classless, with price ranges designed to cater across the board. (Guardian, 2010) According to Sir Terry Leahy, Chief Executive of Tesco, during the recession when customers everywhere are feeling the economic strain, Tesco is responding to their changing needs by lowering prices, introducing more affordable products and offering even sharper promotions. (Tesco PLC, 2009) Here the author has discussed the success factors in detail. 4.3.1 Lower Price During the economic downturn consumers tends to limit on their spending and looking for the cheap bargain products. Tesco has large consumer group. It is easy for them to buy large quantity to meet the demand in order to meet the consumer requirement at a lower price. So they can offer the products at a lower price to customers. Consumer can also compare the price of the products they buying to make it easy for the consumer to select the products. 4.3.2 Affordable Products Tesco sells various brands products. During the recession, consumer looking for the more economical solution to of those of the branded products. Tesco grab the opportunity and offered its own brand product which are same in the quality but at a cheap price. It bagged huge success for the Tesco. Now Tesco sells all ranges of its own brand from packed food to toiletries. 4.3.3 Promotions Offers In the recession, consumers looking for better promotions and offers to save money. There would be always various attractive offers in the Tesco stores for consumers. In order to maintain the customer loyalty Tesco tries to sell the products at the same prices or lower than its rivals. 4.3.4 Clubcard Tescos one of the biggest success factors is its award winning Clubcard loyalty scheme. Clubcard gives rewards to regular customers at the regular interval. Dunnhumby, Tesco co-own research group, analyses the shopping habits of its 16 million cardholders. (Guardian, 2010) Tesco knows more about its shoppers than any of its rivals and can tailor offers to customers. The analysis helps to analyse the consumer regular buying habit and make it easy for the Tesco to locate it easily for the consumers. 4.4 Effects of Recession on Supermarket Industry 4.4.1 Secondary Research It seems that relatively Supermarket industry to beunaffected by the recession. Companies such as Tesco, Sainsburys, Morrisons and Lidl are still experiencing growth. Research has shown that Tescos turnover increased from  £47.3 billion in 2008 to  £54.3 billion in 2009 (Tesco PLC, 2009) while Lidl ltd. (2009), has experienced a 93% increase in turnover from 2005 to 2009. It was been expected from Lidl, as it is a heavy branded discounter. During times of recession market leaders tend to loose customers to the hard discounters who consumers choose during a recession (Mattioli, 2009). According to TNS Global World Panel, Sainsburys market share increased to 16.1% in 2009 compared to 15.8% in 2008 and Morrisons was also up and holds 11.6% market share in 2009. While Asda has shown slight growth and had 16.8% market shares in 2009. At the same time Tesco has lose 0.1% in market share but it still counts 30.8% market share in the industry in 2009. (BBC, 2009) All the supermarkets are battling to retain the consumers loyalty. They are trying to attract them with their budget range of products. In the contrary the local shops have suffered a lot. Because people believe that shopping at local shop would be expensive. In the 2009, Local shop sells was  £550mn which was  £50mn less than 2008. According to Dean Best, analyst at, local stores can survive if they emphasise the service and the product knowledge that people feel they cant find in the big four supermarkets. (BBC, 2009) 4.4.2 Primary Research To explore the effect of recession Supermarket Industry, the author has done a primary research to find out the consumer behaviour during the recession in order to find out the habit and patterns of the consumers. Author has also tried to find out the impact of VAT increase on the consumer buying behaviour. 4.4.1 Questionnaire Research (Appendices 1) The questionnaire has 15 questions. There were 34 participants. While asking about their annual income only 88% participants were ready to give information while 12% participants didnt want to give that information. Those who gave their income details, 53% salary ranges  £10000- £19999, 30% ranges  £0- £9999, 10% ranges from  £20000- £29999 and only 7% participants salary was  £40,000+. There were 71% male participants and 29% female participants. Q.3 Gender Question 4 and 5 asked about impact of increase in VAT on buying behaviour. We received some interesting results (see figure 4.2). Out of 34 participants 71% responded that it will affect their buying behaviour while 29% says that it will have no effect as the increase would be very nominal and not noticeable. As we can see from the figure 4.2, 35% participants saying that the increase in VAT will badly affect their daily shopping. As they have to do large shopping and overall house budget will increase and savings will be decreased. Some respondents says that they will have to be careful on what they spending now as smaller purchases are not noticeable but they really impact on the household budget. 47% respondents are saying that effect of increase in VAT would be little as the increase is just 2.5% and the price increase would be few pence. And with surprise, 18% respondents are saying that it will not affect at all. Question 6 and 7 asked about the money spend on groceries and non groceries each week in UK pounds. The author has received very mixed responses. 29% of participants were spending  £15- £29 on groceries while 18% spending less than  £15 and another 18% says they spend only  £30- £40 on groceries. In non groceries 41% participants were spending less than while another 24% and 18% spending only  £15-29 and  £30- £44 respectively. This data shows that the participants are spending more money on groceries compare to non grocery product in the recession. While asking them about this difference they replied that groceries are basic needs, demand will be the same whether there is recession or not (however this type of demand may change qualitatively). However the non groceries items can be controlled by them during the recession while prices are rising. Q.6 About how much do you spend on groceries each week? Q.5 About how much do you spend on non groceries each week? Question 8 there are some actions given which normally people do in recession. They are to control spending (stop using services/products, buy less), replace only when needed (or buy smaller packages), do it yourself (homemade food, prepare/organise/make by yourself), shop smarter (buy when promotions and discounts available), seek value for money (comparing prices, search for lower ones). While asking the participants to pick 1 or 2, highest pick the seek value for money (24%), 23% responded that they will shop smarter, 21% said that they will control spending. Only 16% said they will replace when needed and do by themselves like, preparing food at home rather than getting from outside. This shows that there is an effect of recession on participants that is why they are comparing prices, search for lower ones, buy when promotions and discounts available during shopping. However they had few responses on controlling spending like stop using services/products, buy less, use homemade f ood, prepare/organise/ make by themselves. While asking the reasons they replied that the main reason is regular fixed income. They all are working fulltime or part time, retired participants have their pension income. This shows that the retail stores have to change their marketing style they should get the trust or make the customer believe that they are saving money while shopping in that store. For example many of supermarket also make place of emphasis on providing value for money. Supermarkets have focused on these consumers and created a lot of special offer to attract them during recession. And the result is supermarkets have done better during the recession than other retail industries. Q.8 In terms of the recession what do you prefer to do? Opinion Percentage control spending (for example: stop using services/products, buy less) 21% replace only when needed (or buy smaller packages) 16% do-it-yourself (for example: home-made food, prepare/organise/make by yourself) 16% shop smarter (for example: buy when promotions and discounts available) 23% seek value for money(for example: comparing prices, search for lower ones) 24% Table 4.4: In terms of the recession what do you prefer to do? Figure 4.5: In terms of the recession what do you prefer to do? Question 9 asked respondents to quantify the factors which made them shop. There were choices like important or unimportant, exciting or unexciting, interesting or boring and fun or nor fun. Finding suggests that for grocery shopping is important but its not very exciting, interesting or fun because it is regular basis shopping. However for non grocery items for example electric goods it is not regular shopping so it is more important, exciting, interesting and more fun. Obviously this small sample suggests that non grocery retailing lot benefit making their product proposition very exciting. The author would also suggest that the same has been and can be applied to grocery retailing. Q.9 Shopping for you is Question 10 asked respondents there is a list of factors which are important for the people while deciding where to do their weekly grocery shopping. The finding shows 44% of participants have given more importance to Low Price. Second factor which got high importance (78%) is accessed example On Public Transport Route. 44% of participants have given importance to Promotion and Special Offers, 67% to availability of Cash Machine and 50% to Customer Service/Friendly and helpful staff. However the research shows that 25% of participants gave more importance to High Quality while 29% has given a little importance to the High Quality. On the other hand the research revealed that 75% of participants give no importance to Store Loyalty Cards and Schemes. 100% participants give no importance to Online Ordering or Delivery Schemes or Large selection of Organic Goods in respect of grocery shopping. They said that because of the recession period they are giving more priority to low price products and services, and Promotional offers. Lots of people are travelling by public transport to save money and time that is why they give more importan ce on Public Transport Route. Highest Quality comes with high price so in this recession few participants give priority to it. When one looks at results, ranking of respondents does it mean the price is now order winner and quality is becoming a more qualifier (a given). Q.10 What is important for you while deciding where to do your weekly grocery shopping? Question 11 and 12 asked respondents which grocery and non grocery chain they usually use (See appendix 1). The study revealed that more participants are using economical supermarket chain like Aldi, Asda, Tesco, Morrisons, Iceland, Co-operative Group and Sainsbury. While very few participants are using Mark and Spencer, Waitrose in their regular shopping. However in non grocery shopping participants express that they use Argos, Asda and Currys most because of their good promotions and offers. While they use very little other chains like PC World, Staples, Comet, etc. For grocery chains Aldi is obviously the super discounter where as Tesco cannot be classified as such. And the Co operative Group generally has high price compare to other main chains. Our result of the number is the stores in the area. Or it is genuinely due to economics. For non grocery chains this is little bit more obvious; Currys and Argos are definitely non grocery whereas Asda is a grocery store our 23% who shops for non grocery products at Asda; simply buying Asda brand products example George. Q.11 Which grocery chain do you usually use? Q.12 Which non-grocery chain do you usually use? In question 13 the author has asked to express the participants views in relation to the supermarket they spend most. After getting their views it reveals that there should be more special deals in the local grocery stores, they think most supermarkets are same, they want to maximise their return on their spending by getting the best quality at the low price, they are not convince by the supermarket status, they have a lower belief that supermarkets are reliable in the delivery of product and service. However they have trust in their supermarket, they also have concern that the supermarket are concerns for the customer being well, they do not believe that they have relationship with supermarket, they would go to the more than one supermarket rather than sticking to one, they are happy with the customer service provided by the supermarket and they want that supermarket should make more efforts to getting to know their customers that what they like or dislikes. There are some important issues which arise from data. Nine of the respondents agree or strongly agree they are not interested in bargain seeking however the stores selected in Question 11 were bargain stores example Aldi, Tesco. Another contradiction to in the above is that 5 out of 9 respondents agreed or strongly agreed that it was important to keep up special deals at grocery stores because consumers wants to get more from their spending. All respondents indicated that they always try to maximise quality for the money spend. This seems to correlate with response given about the importance of quality in Question 10. Perhaps the most impressive agreement was in the survey was that participants did not perceive that supermarket did not make any effort for what they like. On positive side of supermarket is that most of the participants trust the supermarket they shop at, believe it would not trick them and its reliable for deliver goods and services. Q.13 Please indicate your agreement or disagreement with the following statements in the relation to the supermarket you spend most. Statements Strongly agree Agree neither nor disagree Strongly disagree I have little or no grocery shopping 4 3 7 11 9 Im not interested in bargain seeking 4 5 4 16 5 Its important for me to keep up with special deals being offered by the grocery stores in my area 3 18 6 7  Most of the supermarkets are all alike 4 18 3 7 2 While purchasing the product I always try to maximise the quality I get for the money I spend 8 18 5 2 1 When people see me purchasing from this store they form an opinion of me 2 4 18 9 1 The supermarket is reliable in the delivery of product and service 1 21 8 3 1 The supermarket in which I shop wont trick me 4 14 11 3 2 I feel the supermarket is concerned about its customers being well 3 10 14 6 1 I trust the supermarket, I shop at 2 17 13 2  I would recommend the supermarket to others 3 16 10 4 1 I am loyal to the supermarket 3 9 13 7 2 I have relationship with the supermarket 2 4 16 9 2 Id prefer to go to the only one supermarket for my shopping 4 5 7 14 4 Store loyalty cards are not worth having. The supermarket just wants us to think more positive about it 3 10 12 6 3 Being satisfied with the supermarket makes me loyal to it 3 15 11 4 1 The loyalty card makes me to repurchase at the same store 1 8 10 12 3 Im satisfied with the way the supermarket informs me about its products/services 3 8 18 4  Im satisfied with customer service at the supermarket 2 14 11 5 2 Id love the supermarket to make more efforts in getting to know what I like and dislike 7 16 7 3 1 Table 4.10: The supermarket you spend most In Question 12 participants asked to give their opinions that which promotions appeal them most. It shows that promotion from Asda and Tesco appeals them most. They are also attracted to promotions of Morrisons, Aldi, Marks Spencer and Sainsburys. But the promotion from the Waitrose and Lidl has less impact on them. They shop at Tesco, they like Tesco, this seems it appears to be fertile ground for super discounters like Aldi. Q.14 Which promotions mostly appeals to you? Promotions Percentage Only 1 pound each! Half price! Earn nectar points too. Sainsburys. Try something new today. 15% All the ingredients for a great picnic. (Well even supply a free rug or cool bag.) Waitrose. Everyone deserves quality food. 6% Better than half price at Morrisons. Great savings on big brands at Morrisons. Price crunch. Save 4.5pounds! 10% Tesco. Every little helps. Half price. 99p each. Its more rewarding with Clubcard 25% Wider choice. Lower price. ASDA. Saving you money every day. 22% Lidl. Seriously cheaper! Available in-store now. Sensational Deal! Incredible Offer! 5% The big deal. Aldis biggest summer deals. On sale 30th July. Aldi. Spend a little Live a lot. Hurry, once theyre gone, theyre gone. 9% Offer ends Sunday. Dine in for two  £10. Summer menu now being served. Yours MS. Quality worth every penny 9% Table 4.11: Which promotions mostly appeals to you? Figure 4.9: Which promotions mostly appeals to you? 4.4 Summary In this chapter has explored how Supermarkets got success during the recession with their strategy. Supermarkets have given a great lesson to other retail industry how to survive during the recession. Supermarkets havent just survived but they have outperformed. In the next chapter author will give conclusion and recommendation how other retail industry can survive during the recession like Supermarkets. Words: 2879 Finch, J. (2010), Tesco beats the recession to unveil record profits again, Guardian, [Online] Available from: (Accessed on: 16th January 2011) Tesco Plc (2009), TESCO: Growth in Tough Times, [Online] Available from: (Accessed on: 16th January 2011) Farnham, J. (2009), Recession bites into eating habits, [Online], Available from: (Accessed on: 16th January 2011) Lidl ltd (2009) Company Report Mattioli, D. (2009) In Recession Specials, Small Firms Revise Pricing Discounts and Lower-End Offerings Help Lure Cash-Strapped Customers; Vans Complement Limo Services Town Cars Wall Street Journal, Jun 9, 2009: B.5 Tesco PLC (2009) Company Report
Thursday, September 19, 2019
Corporate Governance Evaluation and Rating Essay -- Business, Corporat
Corporate Governance Evaluation and Rating Nowadays it is not unusual for an investor to reflect governance matters while deciding about investment determinations. As a result, numerous corporations are in the business of rating corporate governance procedures of public companies. Some corporations offer credit ratings in addition to governance ratings. As far back as the 70’s organizations have dealt with business ethics in a host of different approaches which includes the institution of compliance platforms and supervisors, adding of ethics boards, initiating codes of conduct, preparing, and distribution of company mission and values. Because of scandals in the recent past, there is heightened emphasis for US corporations and government agency’s to offer more stringent structured governance and ethics platforms so that corporations are accountable to the communities in where they function (Barrett, Todd, Schlaudecker & Perrin, 2004). Corporate governance ratings corporations have started providing rating service as well. The clients for the service are diverse, and the audience is growing continually. Prospective clienteles of rating services comprise small investors, fund managers, institutional investors, accounting companies, executive search companies, recompense and governance consultant companies, and insurance companies. As a result of dubious conduct from personnel and as well as corporate executives has brought about vital queries about improving corporate ethics endeavors and addressing the fundamental reasons for these misconducts, in addition to the growing demand for preemptive social accountable, and supportable business procedures (Barrett, Todd, Schlaudecker & Perrin, 2004). Comprehending the circumstances sur... ...clusion It is still uncertain the importance of corporate governance ratings and how they will effect investors. Certainly, the usefulness of these types of ratings is deteriorated by the ostensible lack of uniformity amid rating agencies. To the degree ratings are comparative; they are likewise becoming unimportant since practices have largely improved with time. Numerous institutional investors have individual platforms for calculating governance and do not depend on outside services to measure those concerns. Some investors basically do not think those ratings are pertinent to investment determinations about the value of a corporation or their managers. However, issuers and investors might determine it more and more challenging to circumvent the consequences of governance ratings that might be observed as a proxy to a business’s respect for the shareholder.
Wednesday, September 18, 2019
Cold War :: essays research papers
†¢Ã‚     War without fighting †¢Ã‚     Concerned America and the Soviet Union †¢Ã‚     Atlantic Charter, Aug 1941 †¢Ã‚     Tehran Conference, Dec 1943. FDR, Churchill and Stalin What to do with Germany †¢Ã‚     Oct 1944, Europe divided into sections: Western powers and Eastern Block †¢Ã‚     Yalta, Feb 1945 Big Three. Aliies close to victory, Soviets in control of Poland. Cold War may have begun here. a.     Germany disarmed b.     Split into 4 zones c.     USSR get half of reparations d.     USSR join UN †¢Ã‚     Potsdam, July 1945 †¢Ã‚     Truman is US president a.     Germany disarmed b.     De-Nazification c.     War Crimes d.     Reparations inkind (other countries can take goods) †¢Ã‚     Europe in 2 spheres of influence a.     Communist b.     Capitalist †¢Ã‚     Soviets afraid of US economy and atom bomb †¢Ã‚     Iron curtain decending upon Europe †¢Ã‚     Greek civil war US and Russia fight with opposing sides, never fire a shot at each other †¢Ã‚     March 12. 1947 The Truman Doctrine †¢Ã‚     This doctrine proclaims a policy of containment a.     American foreign policy must contain Communism †¢Ã‚     June 1947, Marshall Plan a.     Sec. Of State, George Marshall stated that the US would give billions of dollars to whoever wanted it. †¢Ã‚     American goal: To rebuild Europe so it doesn’t fall to communism †¢Ã‚     Russians refused money †¢Ã‚     Other countries took them, but with strings attached a.     Must open money to US goods b.     Must open economic policies for US to look at †¢Ã‚     Berlin Crisis: Germany into 4 zones and Berlin into 4 zones †¢Ã‚     Berlin in Russian side †¢Ã‚     Goods come in by train, road and air †¢Ã‚     1948, new gov’t in West Germany †¢Ã‚     East German money was worthless †¢Ã‚     1948: Blockade of roads and rail by Soviets into Berlin †¢Ã‚     Berlin Airlift: US forces and British forces flew supplies to Berlin †¢Ã‚     Soviets gave in 1949
An Analytical Essay Explaining Why Arthur Miller Wrote The Crucible :: Essay on The Crucible
An Analytical Essay Explaining Why Arthur Miller Wrote The Crucible Authors often have underlying reasons for giving their stories certain themes or settings. Arthur Miller’s masterpiece, The Crucible, is a work of art inspired by actual events as a response to political and moral issues. Set in Salem, Massachusetts in 1692, The Crucible proves to have its roots in events of the 1950’s and 1960’s, such as the activities of the House Un-American Committee and the â€Å"Red Scare.†Though the play provides an accurate account of the Salem witch trials, its real achievement lies in the many important issues of Miller’s time that it dealswith. Throughout The Crucible, Miller is concerned with conscience and guilt. Through the character Abigail Williams, he shows how people are willing to abandon their firmly-established values in order to conform with the majority and protect themselves. Those who refuse to part with their conscience, such as the character of John Proctor, are chastised for it. For this reason, the Salem witch trials raise a question of the administration of justice. During this time in the late 1600’s, people were peroccupied by a fear of the devil, due to their severe Puritan belief system. Nineteen innocent people are hanged on the signature of Deputy Governor Danforth, who has the authority to try, convict, and execute anyone he deems appropriate. However, we as readers sense little to no real malice in Danworth. Rather, ignorance and fear plague him. The mass hysteria brought about by the witchcraft scare in The Crucible leads to the upheaval in people’s differentiation between right and wrong, fogging their sense of true justice. When Arthur Miller wrote The Crucible in the early 1950’s, the United States was experiencing a modern â€Å"witch hunt†of its own. Senator Joseph McCarthy, provoked by the Cold War, became fearfully convinced that Communists, or â€Å"Reds,†were polluting American government. He intended to hunt them out, force them to confess, and make them name their associates, almost as the Salem judges had done. In fact, the character of Danforth is based on McCarthy himself. There is a great parallel between the witch trials and the â€Å"Red Scare.†Both created a frenzy among the public, involved people going against each other to prove their innocence, and sought to hunt out those who rebelled against the dominant values of the time.
Tuesday, September 17, 2019
American Express Diversity
American Express continues to be the one biggest company for selling financial products and is one of the most stable. Established in 1850 in New York, American Express Company was among the first and most successful express delivery businesses to arise during the rapid westward expansion of the United States (American Express Website, 2008). With over 150 years of experience in handling the business, the company is continually eyeing global expansion and international growth. The company employs a large number of employees from across Asia and Northern America.That includes different nationalities, cultures, with different ideologies, sects and religion. This shows how diverse American Express is. Diversity is generally defined as acknowledging, understanding, accepting, valuing, and celebrating differences among people with respect to age, class, ethnicity, gender, physical and mental ability, race, sexual orientation, spiritual practice, and public assistance status (Green, et. al , 2002). Now, how does American Express manages this kind of corporate setup? This is where leaders emerge.The company trains potential leaders through series of leadership enhancing courses with its goals, objectives and target outputs and film showing about the importance of working in a team. But first, leaders are asked on their knowledge of every individual employee’s human and cultural diversity. A Leader should be a motivational one, the kind who could open employees mind to working towards diversity. One must also show the big picture of its importance to the growth of the company and who will reap its benefits.Every conflict of ideas or differences must be resolved immediately through the ombudsmen department. All of these are needed to create synergies to maximize profit. American Express has created the Global Diversity and Inclusion. This will bridge the gap rooting from the immediate conflict on a local are to escalate into a network scene and the identification of diversity related arguments. All are monitored from the smallest department. Launching sports festivities and lunch and learn activities are effective ways of interacting all employees.Employees are allowed to express their opinions in the company. The workplace operates with respect for each other. The knowledge that leaders get from training modules are translated to the employees. The management sees to it that diversity is always practiced in the company. All are treated equally and if not, immediate actions are imposed. Although, discrimination still exists, all are advised to take it away. All opinions will be heard. Hispanics, Asians, Blacks, Muslims and employees of other religion work for the company.They may have their groups according to their faith, but all are working towards the corporate goals. Differences on faith are strongly respected. This shows how diverse the working place is. The company strives hard in leveraging these cultural gaps. Employees are all given equal opportunities as to be promoted or as to climb the corporate ladder. No one is given preferential treatment based on their ethnicity or color. This has been the most important practice of the company to promote diversity.Anyone who noticed that such wrongdoings can file complaints in the ombudsman department or any complaint centers. The importance of diversity reflects the company’s success. The operations in other countries are stronger for local employees talk to customers in their national language and know how to relate to them. This help the company expand faster and grow stronger. This also strengthens one of American Express corporate values, TEAMWORK, we work together, across boundaries, to meet the needs of our customers and to help the company win (American Express Website, 2008).References: American Express Website. (2008). Becoming American Express: 150+ Years of Reinvention and Customer Service. Retrieved, October 5, 2008, from http://home3. americanexpre ss. com/corp/os/history. asp Green, Kelli A, Mayra Lopez, Allen Wysocki, and Karl Kepner. (July, 2002). Diversity in the Workplace: Benefits, Challenges, and the Required Managerial Tools. Retrieved, October 5, 2008, from http://edis. ifas. ufl. edu/HR022 American Express Website. (2008). Our Values, Teamwork. Retrieved, October 5, 2008, from http://home3. americanexpress. com/corp/os/values. asp
Monday, September 16, 2019
Crude oil
Crude oil is a necessity for the emerging as well as the existing industries all over the world. It has the power to affect production because it's a raw material which Is used for producing petrol etc. The fluctuations In the price of crude oil can affect the economy on a large scale. The price of crude oll Is affected by the demand and the supply like any other good. In times of bottlenecks the price Is expected to rise whereas when there is an oversupply of crude oll the price tends to fall. Crude oil prices have varied over the last 50 years.In June, OPEC production fell by 370,000 barrels, this was mainly caused due to hindrances such as conflicts In the Middle East and the production strikes In Nlgerla . As a result this affected the price of crude 011 and It rose substantially. The prices of crude oll were subject to some major fluctuations In recent years. It can be observed that the price of crude 011 rose as much as $140/barrel approximately in 2008. 1n the same year it fel l as low as $40,' barrel approximately. In the years 2010 and 2011 it constantly increased from $80,' barrel and reached a maximum price of $122/barrel approximately.In the years 2012 and 201 3 the price of crude oil fluctuated in the range of $100/barrel and $120/ barrel. High crude oil prices can be responsible for cost push inflation in the economy. Cost push inflation is caused mainly due to an increase in the price of raw material. Crude oil is a raw material and is predominantly used for transportation. Transportation is a vital part of the production process. Increase in the price of crude il would mean that the transportation costs increase. This in turn affects the production cost and finally the high costs fall heavily on the consumers in the form of high prices.The Oil market has been unstable since the 1970's and has been overblown by many serious disruptions. As a result the oil market has lost its market share and people have now shifted to other energy sources availab le . The market for alternative energy sources has expanded as its much cheaper then crude oil. People have now shifted to cheaper fuels such as natural gas, bio-diesel etc. However other ut expensive alternatives of crude oil have also emerged for e. g. Carbon free cars, these are cars which run on rechargeable battery and they are also environment friendly.Crude oil is one of the major energy source and most of the countries still consume It heavily-UK imports crude oll and as a result its suffering from Imported Inflation currently. The crude oil prices are expected to Increase In the near future and this In turn would further contribute to Inflation In the economy. If the prices of crude oll aren't controlled then It can be said that Crude oll will continue to lose Its arket share -In order to bring stablllty In the oll market It needs to get rid of disruptions caused by various conflicts In the oll producing countries. rude oil By ‘hatewar world. It has the power to affec t production because it's a raw material which is used for producing petrol etc. The fluctuations in the price of crude oil can affect the economy on a large scale. The price of crude oil is affected by the demand and the supply like any other good. In times of bottlenecks the price is expected to rise whereas when there is an oversupply of crude oil the price tends to fall. Crude oil barrels, this was mainly caused due to hindrances such as conflicts in the Middle East and the production strikes in Nigeria .As a result this affected the price of crude oil and it rose substantially. The prices of crude oil were subject to some major fluctuations in recent years. It can be observed that the price of crude oil rose as much as $140/barrel approximately in 2008. 1n the same year it fell as low as $40/ barrel approximately. In the years 2010 and 2011 it constantly increased from $80/ and 2013 the price of crude oil fluctuated in the range of $100/barrel and $120/ hare and people have now shifted to other energy sources available .The market for consume it heavily. UK imports crude oil and as a result its suffering from imported inflation currently. The crude oil prices are expected to increase in the near future and this in turn would further contribute to inflation in the economy. If the prices of crude oil aren't controlled then it can be said that Crude oil will continue to lose its market share . ln order to bring stability in the oil market it needs to get rid of disruptions caused by various conflicts in the oil producing countries.
Sunday, September 15, 2019
Cwts Narrative Report
NARRATIVE REPORT (Disaster Emergency Response Training with Water Safety and Survival Skills) Last October 4 and 5, 2012 students of STI College Caloocan that has NSTP or CWTS course attended and conducted training for Disaster Emergency Response Training with Water Safety and Survival Skills. Our batch was October 5, 2012 that was held at Boso-Boso Highlands Resort and Convention Center. The training and topics covered are regarding Obstacle Training, Rappelling, Bandaging, CPR, First Aid Training, Proper Wearing of Life Vest/Jacket, and the Water Survival Techniques.All students venue before going to Boso-Boso Highlands Resort and Convention Center was in STI College Caloocan. At exactly 5:00am, but since other students are not responsible they came late. That’s why instead of 6:00am departure, it became 6:30am already or almost 7:00am. Luckily, we did not encounter traffic that’s why we arrive at Boso-Boso Highlands Resort and Convention Center at exactly 8:00am. And then when we arrive at the training center, all students are instructed to change their clothes in much comfortable manner. The instructors gave as only 30mins to prepare and then after that we need to go to the training area immediately.So, when all of us are already settled, we immediately go to the training area. Before the training started our head in-charge, Ms. Falculan conducted a speech and she welcomes all the students in Boso-Boso Training ground. And after the program, one of the Instructors from Rescue 177 together with their Director had the orientation regarding the Rappelling Course; they teach us how to use the Rappelling equipments and how to apply it when we are doing the task already. After the orientation, we immediately proceed to the Obstacle Training ground, separately with the boys.All girls had the Obstacle Training first, while the boys are already having their Practicum regarding First Aid Training. I enjoyed the obstacle course, because I experienced run ning, balancing, jumping, crawling and climbing elements with the aim of testing my speed and endurance. Then after we accomplished the obstacle course, we proceed to the Rappelling area. And I am very thankful because I’ve done the task correctly and safely. Meanwhile, after the obstacle course and rappelling we had our lunch break already. All of us are in a hurry because after our break we are the one to have the Practicum for First Aid Course.
Saturday, September 14, 2019
Nurse`s Work
I am a staff nurse work at government sector at hematology department. My service as a staff nurse almost 4 years. This is my semester 2 assignment which is to write a case study for my patient. I choose a patient with diagnosis of aplastic anemia as my case study for this semester. Aplastic anemia is a one type of blood disorder. The body's bone marrow in which the soft tissue in the center of bones doesn't make enough blood cells. (Bennington-Castro, 2015) . Our blood is composed of three types of blood cells in a liquid called blood plasma which is red blood cells, white blood cells and platelet. Red blood cells help to carry fresh oxygen to the body's cells and take carbon dioxide away from cells (and to the lungs to be exhaled).While the function of white blood cells is help to fight infections and foreign invaders. Platelets are disk-shaped cell fragments which help to form blood clots to stop bleeding. These blood cells have their own lifespan and die naturally, to be replaced by new blood cells formed in bone marrow. Without this replacement process, health issues involving the heart and lungs, bleeding, and infection can develop. As a nurse, we should be very careful when taking care of patient with aplastic anemia. The purpose of this paper is to examine an aplastic anemia patient with respect to review of subjective and objective data, determination of nursing diagnosis, formation of outcomes with interventions, evaluation of the outcomes that can be identified based on the patient's scenario. This paper will further discuss about the main risk problem that patient will be develop and the nursing intervention for the problem developed. (Knott, 2014) In his article:Epidemiology?The annual incidence of aplastic anemia is about two cases per million population.?Aplastic anemia is 2-3 times more common in Asia than in the West.?Acquired aplastic anemia most commonly presents between the ages of 15 years and 25 years but there is a second smaller peak in incidence after age 60 years.?Certain histocompatibility locus specificities, especially HLA DR2, are associated with an underlying predisposition to acquired aplastic anemia.Nursing assessmentSubjective dataMr. X is 57 years old gentleman, came from one of the island at Malaysia, was admitted from casualty into ward on 17/11/17 with complained of mild dizziness, gum bleeding the day before admitted but he stated that it resolve after brushing teeth. He denies any chest pain, palpitations, orthopnea, cough, fever, or chills. According to the Mr. X he has been diagnose as aplastic anemia since February 2016 from the BMAT result on Feb 2016. Patient also stated that he have known case of hypertension since 2012. According to the patient again he have previous admission on 17/5/17 till 10/6/17 for UGIB secondary to thrombocytopenia. On 20/7/17, he was admitted due to low platelet count and bleeding at gum. He was again hospitalized on 9/9/17 due to lot platelet count. Patient denies consume of alcohol and smoking. He claims that he has no family history of malignancy and bleeding disorder. According to the patient, he is allergy to the antibiotic penicillin which will make his body develop rashes and itchiness with mild short of breath but no known of food allergy. Currently patient claims that he staying with his wife and son.Objective dataPatient is alert, awake and oriented to self, place, and time. Full Glasgow coma scale noted (15/15). Upon physical examination, noticed scattered petechiae (pinpoint hemorrhages from arterioles or venules) at the buccal mucosa and over bilateral upper limb and lower limb. Vital sign taken during the admission (17/11/17) Blood pressure: 110/60mmHg Pulse rate: 100/min Respiratory rate: 20/min Underarm temperature: 37 degree Celsius Blood oxygen saturation (Spo2): 99% on room air Pain score: 1 Weight: 70kg Height: 162cm Body mass index (BMI): 26 Diagnostic lab taken during the admission (17/11/17). TEST RESULT Unit NORMAL RANGEHemoglobin (HGB) 7.8 g/dl 13.0-17.0Hematocrit (HCT) 22.4 % 40.0-50.0Platelet 4 10^3/uL 150-410White Cell Count (WCC) 1.3 10^3/uL 4.00-10.00Clinical progressReviewed by doctor in the ward, plan for 4 unit platelet transfusion and 1 pint packed cell transfusion, watch out for bleeding tendency and was started medication iv tranexamic acid 1g TDS and mouthwash tranexamic acid 10mls TDS. On the 19/11/17, 4 unit platelet transfusion done and no reaction noted during the transfusion. No sign and symptom of bleeding noted. Nursing Diagnosis The main nursing problem concern for this patient is risk of bleeding related to low platelet count follow by risk of fall related to dizziness. This paper will focus on risk of bleeding related to low platelet count based on the data collected. The nursing care plan will include intervention that is mostly to provide health education for the patient, bleeding precaution and bleeding reduction as well.Nursing Plan and InterventionFirstly, nurse should assess sign and symptom of bleeding. Assessment of skin and mucous membrane for sign and symptom of petechial, brushing, hematoma formation, oozing of blood is important because patient with low platelet count might experience bleeding into tissue. For my patient, I assess that he has scattered petechial (pinpoint hemorrhages from arterioles or venules) at the buccal mucosa and over bilateral upper limb and lower limb on the day of his admission. After been transfused 4 unit of platelet on 19/11/17 no more petechial noted at patient buccal mucosa while the petechial on the bilateral upper limb and lower limb is reducing. Beside this, monitor patient's vital sign is important especially blood pressure and heart rate to look for orthostatic hypotension. Tachycardia and hypotension are initial compensatory mechanisms always can noted with bleeding (Wayne, 2016). Marc Hemeryck, a Medical advisor General Practitioner ; Geriatrics also state that hemorrhaging from internal and external can cause low blood pressure, so the heart needs to boost its output by pumping faster, thus this form of tachycardia is a necessary means for the body to compensate for the lower blood flow. (â€Å"What are possible causes of tachycardia and hypotension?†n.d.) This is supported by â€Å"a major injury or internal bleeding can quickly deplete an individual's body of blood and cause low blood pressure†(Saljoughian, 2014) which can s upport my statement. During the whole admission, 4 hourly vital sign was monitored and no abnormal reading noticed. Stool and urine should be inspect as well to look for any melena stool or hematuria. Melena stool may be a sign of bleeding from upper gastrointestinal (Ansari, 2016). Whereas hematuria may indicate bleeding somewhere along the urinary tract (Mandal, 2014). Mr. x have a normal bowel open, no melena stool noted and normal urine output with amber color urine noted. Lab result such as hematocrit and hemoglobin can be monitor because when bleeding is not visible, decrease of hematocrit and hemoglobin can be an early sign of bleeding (Gil Wayne, 2016). During admission, Mr. X hemoglobin level noted is 7.8, after being transfused of 1 pint packed cell hemoglobin increase to 9.0.Health care personnel should avoid intravenous or subcutaneous injection or rectal procedure such as enema and rectal temperature as possible as this can stimulate bleeding to patient and to reduce unnecessary bleeding (â€Å"Risk for Bleeding | Bleeding | Platelet†, 2012). [Should have been cited as (2012)] H If subcutaneous or intravenous procedure are needed for the patient, apply pressure to the puncture site. No subcutaneous procedure one to Mr. X but only intravenous procedure (set intravenous line) applied since medication IV Tranexamic acid was ordered by doctor. Whereas, body temperature was taken on underarm for Mr. X and no rectal temperature taken. Maintaining safe environment for patient such as raise side rail for confuse or restless patient, make sure floor is dry and have enough light can prevent patient from fall or injury. Mr. X is located at bed 12 which have adequate lighting and the floor at the ward always dry including the toilet. Medication adherence can help to reduce the risk of bleeding. Nurses should monitor patient to take his/her medication in the ward. I always make sure my patient to take his medication on time. Sometimes patient will request to take meal or to take bath before taking his medication and I will monitor again if the patient already take the prescribed medication. Heath education play an important role in our nursing. â€Å"It is a much better idea to avoid bleeding rather than having it and then trying to deal with it†(Naik, n.d.). For this case, nurses can educate patient about precautionary measures to prevent tissue trauma or disruption of the normal clotting mechanisms. In the Nurses lab risk for bleeding, by giving information to patient regarding precaution measures can decrease the risk for bleeding (Wayne, 2016). To maintain an oral hygiene, patient can use a soft-bristled toothbrush and nonabrasive toothpaste and avoid the use of toothpicks and dental floss. Mouthwash tranexamic acid are prescribed to Mr. X and he was advice to buy a soft-bristled toothbrush to use. Patient follow the advice given. Educate to the patient and family members about signs of bleeding such as petechial that need to be reported to a health care provider are vital as the health care provider can take early action and treatment for the patient which can reduce the complication from blood loss. Mr. X always been remind by staff nurses to inform if he notice any brushing in the body of gum bleeding while brush teeth. Educate to patient the important need to use water-soluble lubricants during sexual intercourse as lubricants are used to reduce friction and tissue trauma that increase the risk for bleeding. Mr. also being teach to use lubricants. Teach the patient about measures to reduce constipation such as increased fluid intake and dietary fiber. Hard and dry feces may cause trauma to the mucous membranes of the colon and rectum. Increasing fluid intake and dietary fiber soften the fecal mass for easier defecation. I advised my patient to take more vegetables and fluid intake to get easier defecation and Mr. x total fluid intake was around 1.5 litter per day. Educate patient not do heavy lifting, contact sports, or strenuous exercise as it may increase the bleeding tendency. Mr. X was always being advised not to do heavy lifting or strenuous exercise and he understand about that. Patient's daily activity at home include washing clothes and cooking. Patient should be informed to wear proper fitting shoes all the time both in and out doors to avoid cuts on their feet (â€Å"Learn about Managing Your Chemotherapy†, 2016). Mr. X are told to wear proper shoes and I noticed that patient always wear slippers i nstead of wearing shoes. Educate the patient and family members about limiting the use of herbal remedies that can increased risk for bleeding like dongquai, feverfew, ginger, ginkgo biloba, and chamomile). Most herbal preparations interfere with platelet aggregation through inhibition of serotonin release from the platelet. Other herbs increase the effect of antiplatelet and anticoagulant medications, thus increasing the risk for bleeding. The following herbs can increase the bleeding tendency to a low platelet patients (Peters, n.d.): GINGER- Ginger is for gastric, distress, migraines and headaches but it can interfere with platelet function.GINSENG- Use to treat colic, infections, aging, and stress. It can increase bleeding, and have side effects of nausea, headaches, and blood pressure changes.GINKO- Used to treat Alzheimer's and other memory disorders but it also been associated with excess perioperative bleeding.GARLIC- Garlic has been used as a medicine for centuries. It has been advocated for high blood pressure, fungal infections, heart attack and cancer. Consumption of garlic in high doses resulting in bleeding, nausea and vomiting as well as low blood sugar.Besides from herbal remedies, patient with high risk of bleeding should be very careful about their daily diet. Some food can lead to increase bleeding tendency.The Platelet Disorder Support Association (PDSA) states that the most common offenders for low platelet patients are foods that contain quinine (tonic water, bitter lemon, bitter melon), aspartame (diet soda, sugar-free and low-fat candy and cakes) or alcohol such as beer, wine, hard liquor (â€Å"Eating for Health†, n.d.). (Stein, 2017) Says â€Å"Leafy green vegetables and dairy product can help to reduce the risk of bleeding†in which this can support my statement. Leafy green vegetables are the best sources of vitamin K. The Platelet Disorder Support Association also recommends foods like leafy green vegetables rich in vitamin K which is important for blood clotting and platelet creation. Chairman Tan, registered dietitian at Seventeen Nutrition Consultants advises: â€Å"Green leafy vegetables such as broccoli, spinach, kale, Chinese vegetables like choi sum and kai lan are rich with antioxidants and rich in vitamins and minerals which are believed to reduce inflammation and help increase platelet count. (South China Morning Post, 2018) Dairy products such as milk can help your blood clot because of their calcium. Calcium is an essential mineral at seven different points in the coagulation cascade that results in blood clotting when you've cut yourself, The Platelet Disorder Support Association recommends following an anti-inflammatory or macrobiotic diet to increase platelet counts. This diet focuses on whole grains, beans and vegetables and reduces animal foods. Sesame oil has properties that can increase the platelet levels. Two tablespoons of a natural sesame oil when taken orally twice a day, and even rubbing some externally on lymph node areas can help to increase platelet counts over a period of several weeks (SINGLETON, 2017). I have told MR. X to consume more leafy green vegetables and drink more milk at home and I strongly remind him not to take herbs as it might increase the bleeding tendency and he claimed that he didn't take any herbs from others.EvaluationPatient being discharge on 20/11/17 with prescribed medication. Patient manage to get well and reduce bleeding tendency by adhere to the medication prescribed. Thus from here, nurses play an importance role in ensure patient is adherence to their medication to prevent bleeding for deteriorate. Beside for adherence to the medication, patient supposed to be advice to strictly follow the date given by doctor for their To Come Again (TCA) appointment to have regular blood checkup as this can detect early sign of bleeding. During the admission, patient not receive any injury like fall because the environment provided is safe for the patient. Patient aware that he cannot do any hard activities that might cause bleeding. This case study can managed to meet the desired goal.ConclusionAlthough aplastic anemia is consider incurable but the prevention of bleeding form aplastic anemia can reduce a lot of complication that can threat one's life. Hence patient must be instruct clearly about the adherence to the medication prescribed. Diet also play a vital role in reducing the bleeding tendency hence must be strictly implemented. Continuous of blood checkup must be strictly follow. Thus it is important to the nurses to provide a good heath education to the patient to increase patient awareness regarding the prevention of the bleeding that will take patient's life. Prevention is better can cure. We may never understand illnesses such as cancer. In fact, we may never cure it. But an ounce of prevention is worth more than a million pounds of cure. (Agus, n.d.). In writing of this case study, I feel happy that this writing meet the desired outcome. No further bleeding noted for my patient and no further deterioration condition developed. I have learnt many things after writing this case study and I hope that I can use it to others patient as well to increase their health and living. I have learn what intervention I should do while patient in the ward and what education I can give to patient when he discharge. I manage to know what diet are recommended to the patient and what diet are not recommended to the patient. I feel glad to write this case study because I able to use this knowledge from what I have learnt not only to teach my patient but also to share the knowledge among my colleagues to improve our nursing care. In future, to improve the nursing care and practice, nurses might can put a sign over the patient's bed as a reminder of bleeding precaution. This will make all the health care provider be more alert when handling to the patient. Besides that, those patient with high risk of bleeding can wear a bracelet as a sign of bleeding precaution to others as well. Environment also take a vital role in patient's safety. Nurses can advise patient and patient's family to create a safety environment such as put a holder in the bathroom as the floor wet and might easily fall down and not only focuses on the dry floor and adequate lighting. Creating a group of patient will high risk of bleeding can be consider as well. Nurses can gather them all and provide a health education to the patient. This can increase their awareness of the bleeding precaution. At the same time they can communicate and share their experience to reduce the risk of bleeding. I hope this will improve our nursing care and practice with a patient with high risk of bleeding tendency. Together we work to improve our patient's well-being and our nursing care practice as a professional nurse.
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