Friday, May 31, 2019
Essays on Death and Suicide - I Will Survive Suicide :: Personal Narrative Essays
I Will Survive Suicide After several historic period, the pain comes and goes. At home I hand die so used to the few pictures and momentos of my mom that I hardly see them unless I purposely decide to look at them. In my voluteer work later on school, I find that once again I can concentrate on things. Only once and a while, something will trigger a memory. Occasionally, I go for periods of time feeling sad, but my work with children and my friends and family keep me focused. I feel confident in my abilities and feel much stronger than ever before. It has been a monolithic amount of work to get to this point. At first, hour by hour I felt like I had to force myself to do everything. Force myself fall out of bed, get dressed, drive the car without crashing it, study, make phone calls. All these things seemed so impossible, so meaningless. Little by little, day by day, I regained my strength, my sanity, my confidence. Several years seems painfully long and wistfully short, a ll at the same time. But I now know that I can survive. I still have strong faith that God cares for us, maybe not in the way we think is best, but in His own way and in His own time. The glance I had of my mom at her death and the other eveningts surrounding those next few days convinced me of the loving care of God for all his children, and His forgiveness, even after suicide. I have committed myself to finding ways to help others. Whenever I find myself getting sad, I try to think of someone else who ineluctably care and comfort. I wish with all my heart that suicide could cease, that no one else would have to suffer this pain.
Thursday, May 30, 2019
Bondage and Escape in Sons and Lovers :: Lawrence Sons and Lovers Essays
Bondage and Escape in Sons & Lovers A major theme in Sons & Lovers is bondage and escape. Every major character is held hostage by another character or by their environment. Her husband, her family and her anger at the familys social status hold Mrs. Morel hostage. She has no friends to be seen or notes of her own to use. Her escape from her bondage is her death. She was unhappy her whole life history and lived though another human as a source of happiness. She essentially lived her life through William and, after his death, through capital of Minnesota, which in a twist of irony, by doing so she is essentially keeping them in bondage. She wishs William to move to town to get a good job and a good wife to help up their social status. When he does move and bring home a woman, she thinks she has finally arrived, solitary(prenominal) to be pushed back down with his death. William, who found a good upper class woman with Lily, brings her back to his familys home. He loves Lily, until he sees her behavior to his sister Lily treats Annie interchangeable a servant. Although his mother likes Lily, he cannot stay with her and soon leaves her and then falls ill and dies. Williams death is his great escape from the bonds of his mother. When William dies Paul replaces him as Mrs. Morels dummy Paul leads his life as his mother wants him to, she keeps him in check, approves who he dates and even goes with him and speaks for him on his first job interview. The only thing redeeming Paul in this is that he knows that he is being tied down by his mother and is fighting a silent fight against her for his whole life. Although Mrs. Morel doesnt like Miriam, he keeps his relationship with her. Although Mrs. Morel doesnt want Paul to stay out late, on most occasions he breaks this rule also. The only thing that ever releases Paul from Mrs. Morels grasp is her death. Mr. Morels captivity is the most literal. He is held captive b y the mine every day he must work in the mine and the harder and longer he works, the more money he makes.
Wednesday, May 29, 2019
South African Development Plan Essay -- Urban Development
in the south Africa is a country in the continent of Africa, located to the south tip as its name suggests. colonize by the Dutch in 1994, in the south Africa is seperated into nine provinces and is bordered to the north by the countries Namibia, Botswana, and Zimbabwe, to the east Swaziland and Mozambique, while coined in the south east is the country Lesotho, exclusively surrounded by the territory of South Africa. South Africa is one of the most diverse places in the world, and has eleven nationally recognized languages, whereas most countries only go one (Rosmarin & Rissik, 2003). The black indigenous population makes up a majority of the country while also harboring other ethnic cultures such as whites, Greeks, Germans, Italians, and Asians (Rosmarin & Rissik, 2003). South Africa has a mixed economy based on its agriculturally fertile lands, mineral resources and tourist attractions. Though there is political and economic stability, the country is still confront with drawba cks such as unemployment, poverty, and the AIDS pandemic (OECD, 2008). A development scheme is vital for the economic development and growth of South Africa.In an attempt to constitute jobs and build a unified South Africa, the government should draw up informed policies, budgets, and influential programs to ensure that no citizen is excluded and thus benefit everybody in the country. Indeed, South Africa has the relevant economic and social resources imperative for the realization of all the demands of industrialization (Bond, 2002). Though seemingly prosperous, the social evils hidden in the country are usually impediments to the growth and success of the nation. Without doubt, much of the success of the country is basically a function of the unknown resources in the c... in South Africa. Such a plan will be instrumental for fostering unity in the region and may increase participation with other countries.Works CitedRosmarin, I., & Rissik, D. (2003, January). South afri ca Cultures of the world. (2 ed.). New York benchmark Books.Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development. (2008, July). Economic assessment of south africa. Retrieved from http//, P. (2002, August). Unsustainable south africa Environment development and social protest. London University of KwaZulu-Natal.African National Congress. (1994). The reconstruction and development programme. Johannesburg Umanyano Publications.Abbi, A. (2005, June). Culture, education, and development in south africa Historical and contemporary perspectives. Westport, CT Greenwood Publishing Group, Inc.
The Jubilee Singers of Fisk University :: American History Essays
The Jubilee Singers of Fisk UniversityFrom the mid-1800s, around black institutions of higher education fielded a pigeonholing of jubilee singers and/or a vocal quartet to sing spirituals. These groups toured the nation and represented the institution outside the local community. One of the earliest and most famous of these groups were the Jubilee Singers from Fisk University. harmonize to Ray Funk, in his essay accompanying the Document compilation EARLY NEGRO VOCAL QUARTETS, there is only one recording from the 1890s extant of an African-American vocal group, the Standard Quartette. While this Fisk group was active in the l890s, it continued on throughout the courses, of course with some different members each year and a complete turnover of members within each four years. For the most part, the singers were students at Fisk. I dont think you are going to find anything recorded earlier before 1900, but for some modern recordings of the Fisk Jubilee Singers you should look for a 1994 Smithsonian/Folkways recording called African American Spirituals The Concert Tradition SF40072 At a time when most black music was being performed by white minstrel musicians in blackface and vulgar caricature, a small group of exceptionally well-trained and talented black singers at Fisk University in Nashville achieved world-wide renown for their stirring and very professional performance of traditional black spirituals.Originally, the group was composed of two quartets and a pianist, a muliebrity named Wells, under the direction of the University musical director, George L. White. In 1871 this small group set out to raise money for the struggling little university (founded in 1866). Over the succeeding(a) decade they had toured most of the northern states, had performed at the White House, toured England and much of Europe and had played for Queen Victoria.The group was given its name by director White. In Old Testament history, each fiftieth Pentecost was followed by a year of jubilee - a year in which Hebrew law required that all slaves be set free. Organized in 1871, in the dark shadow of slavery, the Jubilee Singers seemed a most appropriate name. Most of the students at Fisk had been former slaves.In terms of musical history, the primary significance of the Jubilee Singers is that they introduced to the world for the first time a magnificent body of folk music -- slave songs, spirituals -- which celebrated life, survival, victory.
Tuesday, May 28, 2019
Hate Crime Essay -- Violence Racism Hate Crimes Essays
abhor CrimeViolence prompt by a bias against victims characteristics which include race, religion, ethnic background, national origin, gender, or sexual orientation, represents a serious threat to all communities. Experts estimate that a bias-related crime is committed e actually 14 minutes. Criminal justice officials and state constitution makers need to realize that it is key to make or adjust despise crime decree. This has been a heated debate for centuries. The key to solving the ever-growing problem of loathe crimes is more hate crime legislation.The first legislative efforts to address bias-related crimes, dated back to the late 19th century, which was a response to the expanding Ku Klux Klan and segregation in the south. such(prenominal) laws included mandates against wearing masks and hoods. The next wave of legislation relating to hate crimes resulted from the movement for increased protection for civil rights in the face of widespread racial harm shown by segregated buildings and restricted access to public and private resources. The most recent legislation has been directed specifically to acts of hate against people of race, religion, gender, sexual orientation, and so forth The Local Law Enforcement Enhancement Act, S. 625, also known as the Hate Crime Prevention Act, if enacted would strengthen current law as it relates to hate crimes motivated by a victims race, religion, gender, sexual orientation, disability, etc. Hate crimes are not only destructive to the victims and their families, further damaging to the victims families and friends. It also is very damaging to our American ideals. America stands and shines for diversity and equality. In a way hate crimes are not only threatening to the individual being attacked but to America as a whole. Last year, Congress had the chance to pass strong hate crimes legislation. On June 19,2000, the Local Law Enforcement Enhancement Act of 2000 was clear by the senate as an amendment to the defense authorization bill. People who act on hate need to know their punishment provide be severe and boisterous. Hate crimes threaten the safety of many citizens and in a way disrupts the entire communitie. Hate crimes can not be tolerated. Hate crimes are a harsh reality in the United States. The reason it is so hard to come to a c... ...t walking down the street and being themselves. The examples are endless. The fight against hate crimes on the national and local levels must get more aggressive. We, as a nation, must act now. Under existing federal law, a somebody or group of convicted of crimes against someone who was targeted because of the actual or perceived race, color, religion, national origin, ethnicity, gender, disability or sexual orientation faces stiffer federal penalties than those provided under state law. The proposed legislation would eliminate the current requirement that the government prove the perpetrators intent. Instead, federal prosecutors could go after hat e crimes without proving that the perpetrator was motivated by prejudice. much hate crime legislation will help give victims increased protection, keep streets safer and increased punishment for vicious criminals who base their attacks on hate and bias. more than hate crime legislation will give criminals who commit these terrible crimes the punishment they deserve, while it gives innocent victims the peace of mind to know that justice will be done. No matter what happens in Congress, 42 states are already prosecuting hate crimes.
Hate Crime Essay -- Violence Racism Hate Crimes Essays
Hate CrimeViolence motivated by a bias against victims char act uponeristics which include race, religion, ethnic background, national origin, gender, or informal orientation, represents a serious threat to all communities. Experts estimate that a bias-related crime is committed every 14 minutes. Criminal justice officials and state policy makers need to realize that it is key to make or adjust hate crime legislation. This has been a het up debate for centuries. The key to solving the ever-growing problem of hate crimes is more hate crime legislation.The first legislative efforts to address bias-related crimes, dated back to the late nineteenth century, which was a response to the expanding Ku Klux Klan and segregation in the south. Such laws included mandates against wearing masks and hoods. The next wave of legislation relating to hate crimes resulted from the movement for increased protection for polished rights in the face of widespread racial prejudice shown by segregated bui ldings and restricted access to public and private resources. The most recent legislation has been say specifically to acts of hate against people of race, religion, gender, sexual orientation, etc. The Local Law Enforcement Enhancement Act, S. 625, also known as the Hate Crime Prevention Act, if enacted would modulate current law as it relates to hate crimes motivated by a victims race, religion, gender, sexual orientation, disability, etc. Hate crimes are not scarce destructive to the victims and their families, but damaging to the victims families and friends. It also is very damaging to our American ideals. America stands and shines for diversity and equality. In a way hate crimes are not only threatening to the individual being attacked but to America as a whole. Last year, Congress had the chance to pass strong hate crimes legislation. On June 19,2000, the Local Law Enforcement Enhancement Act of 2000 was approved by the senate as an amendment to the defense authorization bill. People who act on hate need to know their punishment will be severe and harsh. Hate crimes threaten the safety of many citizens and in a way disrupts the entire communitie. Hate crimes can not be tolerated. Hate crimes are a harsh reality in the United States. The reason it is so hard to come to a c... ...t walking depressed the street and being themselves. The examples are endless. The fight against hate crimes on the national and local levels must get more aggressive. We, as a nation, must act now. Under existing federal law, a person or group of convicted of crimes against someone who was targeted because of the actual or perceived race, color, religion, national origin, ethnicity, gender, disability or sexual orientation faces stiffer federal penalties than those provided under state law. The proposed legislation would eliminate the current requirement that the government prove the perpetrators intent. Instead, federal prosecutors could go later hate crimes without pro ving that the perpetrator was motivated by prejudice. More hate crime legislation will help give victims increased protection, keep streets safer and increased punishment for vicious criminals who base their attacks on hate and bias. More hate crime legislation will give criminals who commit these terrible crimes the punishment they deserve, while it gives absolved victims the peace of mind to know that justice will be done. No matter what happens in Congress, 42 states are already prosecuting hate crimes.
Monday, May 27, 2019
Factors Affecting Selection of Brand Ambassador Essay
Factors to be considered while choosing right brand embassador In collaboration with Claudia de Pretto, e-Luxury Specialist at IC-Agency Global companies acquire long understood the power and impact of associating popular personalities with their brand name and products. Most will agree that a successful brand embassador tin make or break a parvenue product launch, or even catapult a company into a new era of exponential function revenues after a long drought of fading brand clout. except these days choosing a brand ambassador isnt what it used to be.Now, with the rapid dispersion of information made possible through the Internet, companies are seeing the dangers of making hasty decisions to link their products to public figures. In the past, reputations were not etched in stone, scarcely were relatively stable and slow to change. Conversely, these days what goes around still comes around, only right off this happens at the speed of light and travels to the ends of the world . More than just a sensibly face In the watch industry, brand ambassadors hasten proven themselves a weighty yet worthy investment.Whether on the playing field, in the arts or simply in the world of beautiful people, brand ambassadors fall in measurable positive impact on a companys bottom line. But their influence corporation be short-lived, and being in the public eye makes them the perfect target for increased scrutiny and attacks on their reputation. Traditional popularity life cycles have been distorted by the global reach of the Internet. Whats more, country variances in consumer opinion, rumours and scandals can be exposed and spread at a phenomenal rate. in like manner many variables, too little timeSo, given the investment, vulnerability and revenue-generating potential riding on the decision, how do watchmakers choose? Surprisingly, most brands admit to a woof process that combines a mix of networking, personal contacts and traditional market research, with a dab of CEO feeling to finalize the decision. While this approach has produced some exceedingly recognized success stories, companies have little information to address some tough issues how long will this sports stars winning streak survive? What specific consumer groups emulate this model?What are this actors political affiliations? What stereotypes surround this individual? Selection, validation and reporting minimizing risk and maximizing payoff By gathering insights on proposed ambassadors in key markets in the online arena, some visionary companies are now making more informed and successful choices. Upstream, using online strategical insights in the initial picking process generates higher quality short-lists, minimizes risk, and makes the selection process and media planning more efficient and successful.Further downstream popularity, reach, brand swallow and campaign timing are confirmed through country-specific monitoring of an ambassadors impact and reputation. Moreover, having access to a measure of a potential ambassadors reach and clout in key markets can serve as an excellent negotiating tool. And making the right choice from the start will value a company from the costly legal fees involved in prematurely ending a contract. Proactively influencing the conversion process The primary role of the brand ambassador is to personify the values intrinsic to the brand and evoke the dreams associated with owning the product.As such, he or she must demonstrate a trend of increasing popularity and notoriety in the markets where the advertising and promotion will be visible in order to reach the projected target groups effectively. In the pre-Internet era, the notoriety of the ambassador would be the magnet to commit a qualified target group to appropriate the brand. The conversion process would start with a prospects desire to purchase a certain type of product. The consumers ultimate choice of brand and model would then be influenced to some degree by identification with the brand ambassador.Now, the approaching of online technologies has added another dimension to the equation. Whereas in the past the brand ambassadors impact was more to confirm a specific brand or model, now it can serve to evoke awareness of the existence of a product, stimulate desire to purchase, then convert. Online, a well-chosen brand ambassador can enkindle desire for a product in previously uninterested consumers through generic searches on the ambassadors name or associated activities. In this way, not only direct keyword searches on the brand or product lead to conversions, but non-product-related searches as well.Online, it is the ambassadors aura that acts as the magnet to attract a target group to desire and appropriate the product. The Internet creates propitious product placement opportunities to build on the emotion and psychological impulse associated with aspiration of the brand ambassador. By means of an innocent forum search, an overzealo us fan can be diverted onto the company website and transformed into a passionate consumer with just a few clicks of the mouse. The right choice and the right management Adopting a brand ambassador in the watch industry has become more than an legitimate practice.Now with mounting competition and global distribution, its time for proactive watchmakers to move beyond name-dropping and capitalize on their investments. By integrating online insights into the selection and validation process, marketers can advance to the next level of campaign optimization, seizing every opportunity to promote the ambassador-product association for maximum return. And with the current trend of enquire the Internet public for marketing and innovative product ideas, we can expect the next generation of brand ambassadors to be chosen and promoted by online communities themselves.New game, new rules How one visionary watchmaker stays on target Raymond Weil and Charlize Theron In collaboration with IC-Age ncy, a Geneva-based Internet specialist, independent watchmaker Raymond Weil is monitoring the impact of its ambassador campaigns in key markets. The agencys proprietary technologies, IC-DemandTracker and IC-Insights, are allowing its clients to evaluate and optimize campaign effectiveness has the product been successfully linked to the ambassador? How have popularity ratings evolved since the onset of the collaboration?Which countries are best responding to the campaign and when? For IC-Agency, this proactive management is the wave of the future for companies to fully exploit endorsement opportunities and get the best return on investment. (P. M. ) Exploiting the popularity life cycle online Online communities could help companies promote new products through a type of viral marketing. By capitalizing on interest-led online searches, entire online consumer communities can be moved to federate around an ambassador-associated product.In turn, these communities propagate the dream via their own online hype and spread their influence via privileged personal networks. Targeting audiences already devote to their chosen ambassador means that companies can maximize their return on investment and more quickly amortize media production costs and ambassador fees. Depending on the demographics of the target audience, marketers can use online channels such as ethnic, music, or sports communities to get their message to the most influential consumers at the most opportune time.
Sunday, May 26, 2019
Comparison between cockroach, hunting snake and horses
Similarities between Hunting Snake, Pike, Horses, Cockroach The first escalates I could see In the poems was a theme of Tear and respect towards the mall creature of the poem shown through contradicting dialogue The first example is Pike by Ted Hughes. The poet uses the poem to expresses his love and respect that also fear towards the fresh water cannibalistic fish.The first line of the poem Pike, three inches long, perfect shows the poets knowledge of the fish and he describes the fish as being perfect which shows us he respects the fish but in the line and silently cast and shed with the hair frosty on my head for what might move shows us that he is afraid of what might be lurking underneath the heat struck Elli pads reinforcing that he not unless loves the fish but also fears the fish.Judith Wright talks about her love and respect towards the great black snake In her poem Hunting snake The poet uses the line we walked, and froze half(prenominal) through a pace to show the rea ders that there Is a threat, as people generally freeze when there Is a dangerous animal which shows us that the poet is afraid of the snake, but then she contradicts this with he line Curves of diamond scale, and we lost breath to watch him pass as the words curves of diamond gives us a sense of beauty and elegance as diamonds are thought to be worn by beautiful women, so the poet is describing the snake as having diamond scales.So the scales is the work party and the snake is wearing the ring so the poet is comparing the snake to a beautiful and elegant woman exhibit us that she has a sense towards the snake. The sanction part of that line and we lost breath to watch him pass in my opinion shows us that they are speechless as a common matter o say when you receive something amazing Is l dont know what to say so the poet Is saying that they were speechless at the sight of the great snake and that they were favour to be witnessing.Further conforming my theory that the poet Is sc ared of the snake but at the same time admires Its natural beauty. Horses was hard at first as I lost the poem but after Google searching It I saw that Edwin Mir was also a victim of this love hate relationship between the poet and the animal. He constantly describes the horse as majestic and beautiful creatures as he watches from a stance. He uses the line They marched broad-breasted to the sinking sun to describe them as lofty and majestic and the 5th paragraph describes the gigantic size and power of the horses.These examples indicates the respect that the poet has towards the creature. Perhaps some childish hour has come again, when I watched fearful is a contradiction as the poet talks about his love for the power and size of the creature thought the poem but this line shows us that he is in fact afraid of them as well. He remembers as a child he was scared of horses and that he has a felling of DJ v as he Is watching them again. Showing us that he Is In love with the animal t hat Is also afraid of.Cockroach was the hardest poem to explain the poets respect and fear for the creature. But a closer inspection shows that the poet likes the as he describes the rophy skirting a ball of dust that rode the floor as the dust is a familiar target which to the cockroach and gives a sense of familiarity and safety which you have as a child. The poet uses words like satisfied which gives us a elegant vibe showing that the poet likes the cockroach as it reminds him of his pleasant childhood experience.But this vibe changes about half way through the poem. The line Restlessness that worsened over time shows us that the poet now sees him egotism later in life and he is not happy as he was not happy with his life. This shows us that the poet is now afraid of the cockroach as he sees himself and he is not happy with what he sees. Conforming that the poet both loves the cockroach as he sees his childhood which he treasures and his present self which he despises.
Saturday, May 25, 2019
A rose for emily: reader response Essay
William Faulkners short story A Rose for Emily, is very interesting and unusual. My first-class honours degree reaction afterwards reading the entire short story was scantily complete shock that anyone can be capable of approximatelything so gross to put it simply. When reading by means of the story, it is written in a very confusing commission. The ratifier has to be actively reading the story or you willing miss something which I did the first time reading through it. I was lost until I got to the end and understood the representation the author structured the story. I was ch all toldenged as a reader at times because the story was written out of order on purpose. Being written the way it was, the story gets a more interesting leap and pulls the reader in, it intrigued me a lot. After reading it a second time the reader can see that certain events are foreshadowed throughout the entire story. What is assort in this story is that if one shelters a child all their life, th ey will n incessantly develop emotionally or socially as a result, and masses with this background can be prone to unpredictable behavior without the proper guidance. Emily is sheltered a lot as a child by her father. She wasnt allowed to do overmuch of anything. She was always expected to behave honorably being of high status in the community. same(p) most fathers who think nobody is unattackable enough for their daughters, he chased away every boy that ever tried to court Emily. She was so attached to her father, so when he died she couldnt read herself to believe it. She held his decaying body in their house for three days because she was in such denial. Her father was the only person she had ever really had, and he was all she knew. People should have worried about her then but they just brushed it off and believed that with nonhing left, she would have to cling to that which had robbed her, as people will (223). That should have been a sign of going d have the wrong path. It is one thing to grieve and hold onto a person in your tryt, but to physically keep the body in your house like nothing has run acrossed is insane. That was the first sign of her mental issues to me. Emily was left alone with suddenly no hope, and no way of knowing how to be a member of society. This work can beinterpreted in different ways, but what stands out to me is a child being sheltered and protected so much by her parent that she never knows freedom or how to live on her own.Emily never develops emotionally or socially due to her fathers overbearing nature. She didnt know how to interact very well with others and once everything she was attached to was gone she went off the deep end. She had a get by interest named homer and it seemed like everything was going broad(a), until one day Mrs. Emily went to the store to buy rat poison and nobody ever saw Homer again. It was believed he just went back north, but later we learn the truth that Emily killed him. She had his dead body in a bed upstairs that she would lie neighboring to. She didnt know how to survive alone so when someone else came into her life she wasnt going to let them get away. Having nothing in life cloud her mental, she did the only thing she knew to do. She didnt know what real love was or what was appropriate. So desperate not to be alone and have the happily ever after her father deprived her of, she would kill for it. Even the people in the town felt Emily was off, believing she was crazy and saying she would kill herself (224). She never was taught how to love the castigate way and how to interact socially because of her father and it stunned her development in a bad way. Even though this text is almost a century old, it can reflect in the times now.The text is written back in the 1930s, so people dont really hear much of an old lady killing a man to be her husband, thats just outrageous behavior. The same problem arises as in Emilys story as with some of the things that p eople do now though. People like Emily grow up in a box. When a person is in a box all their life and finally get out they go crazy. Whether that be partying until the crack of dawn or murdering people to satisfy their own desires like Emily did. It all could have been avoided if she was given the right tools and guidance to navigate through life but she wasnt prepared so she coped the only way she knew how. Her behavior cannot be justified but it can be understood. This happens with a lot of people in current times. We see it a lot with teens and unripe adults if they grow up in a home with many rules and beyond strict expectations, as Emilys father put on her. Ive seen it happen with my own eyes. A friend of mine was so sheltered and had no freedom. He was so overwhelmed he went off the deep end and got himself a gun.He started shooting people at random for his own reasons, only he knows, and in the end he ended up killing himself aswell. Like Emily he wasnt guided properly, and did what he could to cope with the situation he was in. So we should really think about the things we put kids through at a young age because it could have a lasting effect the rest of their life and cause unpredictable behavior. Relating to this story is partly easy for me. I am included in this audience for this story because I know how it feels to be in a box. Feeling alone and having no hope left is something I know almost everyone can recall at some point in their life. I had an event change my life and it left me feeling absolutely hopeless and like nothing would ever be right ever again. The difference between when I hit rock bottom and when Emily hit is I had family and friends to help me through it and guide me to the right path but Emily didnt.She never interacted with anybody but her father and, so when she had nothing left she went left instead of right. Having the right tools can make all the difference in life and Emily was never taught the tools so she invented her ow n, and that can happen to anyone. This work is geared toward parents but also the introduction to show one of the worst consequences of protecting a child so much it actually cripples them. Protecting your child can be a good and bad thing. Good in the sense they are protected from things no child should go through but bad because if they are sheltered to much their development emotionally and socially good be jeopardized. That can result in some unpredictable behavior that could have dire consequences if the child is not given the right tools. Parents have to find the balance so that they are not out of control but still get to learn some lessons to help them grow. If there is not balance some may just party hard all night long, but some may be so traumatized that the only way they know how to survive is by making sure they are never alone by doing the unthinkable, murder, and end up just like Emily.
Friday, May 24, 2019
Reflection Writing of The Drover’s Wife by Henry Lawson Essay
Ive never been reading a tremendous story much(prenominal) The Drovers Wife before. The Drovers married woman was written by Henry Lawson is a short story about a char who live in a bush with her four children and a dog, Aligance, while her husband didnt at home because of driving. The story wants to mention on the adult female who was a good engender and also a strong lady. In a dangerous event, there was a snake in her house. In tell apart to protect her children she kept reminding herself all night to guard her children who were sleeping on the table in the kitchen finally, the herdsmans wife and her dog killed the snake and burned it.Actually, I do love two characters among all characters represented in the story. The first is drovers wife doneout the short story I get a very good characterization of the woman. As a girl-wife she had hated the lonely life in the outback, scarcely as time languish by, she used to it. Her struggle has been many. When the drought forced h er husband to go droving, she had been left alone with her children and the problems in a pity bush. However, she was a strong and brave lady in fact, she had solved the entire difficult situation without her husbands assistance. She plays an important role in the family which she had to stay and take care of the children alone. Another she was defended mother and a good wife. In a long night, she kept her eye opening to ensure that the snake wouldnt bit any of her children.Staying and taking care of the children alone she neither complained about her living condition nor her husband absence. She didnt care about herself when she fought the flood that devastated the dam she still thought of her husbands feeling after realizing this disaster. Specially, this character has given me an idea that women should not always rely on men women are not as weak as what other people said. Women have strength to protect themselves as well as their beloved persons. Not only drovers wife only if also her biggest son Tommy was bravery. He helped his mom a lot even he was a small one, his behavior is such an adult. Maybe he specify that beside his father , he was the only one man to protect the member from any danger. This smart boy also remind his mother to wake him up if the snake came back again.Moreover, The Drovers Wife has remarkably little action such as Near midnight, the children are all asleep and the drovers wife sit there still, sewing and reading by turns. From time to time she glances round the floor and well-plate, and, whenever she hears a noise, she reached for the stick. The thunderstorm comes on, and the wind, rushing through the cracks in the slab wall, threatens to blow out her layaboutdle. She places it on a sheltered part of the dresser and fixes up a newspaper to protect it. At every char of lightning, the cracks between the slabs gleam like polished silver. The thunder rolls, and the rain comes down in torrents. in this plot the author want to expr ess the activities of being a mother who always care and worried about her children. Not all people do such that thing beside mother. In case she ensures that her children are safely, she can do anything without caring much own self. Another action She lays her hand on the dogs head, and all the fierce, angry light dies out of his yellow-bellied eyes. The younger children are quieted, and presently go to sleep. The dirty-legged boy stands for a moment in his shirt, watching the fire. Presently he looks up at her, sees the tears in her eyes, and, throwing his arms around her neck exclaims Mother, I wont never go drovin blarst me if I do And she hugs him to her worn-out breast and kisses him and they sit thus unitedly while the sickly daylight breaks over the bush..This plot shows that if Tommy were a husband ,or when he grow up, he would not be away from home do such his father . Hes recognized what was the difficulty which a wife and children forced to bed situation. About drovers wife, she loves her children above all, further she has no time to show it. The children have a very harsh impression of her. Still, in the last sentence we see proof of her love for them. What I have taket from this story has been many. First, I understudied that on be haft of a good mother it is not easy. Sometime they act as ignorant but their mind obsessed all the time on children however, they did not complained any words. Beside this, I caught a lot on the behaviour of the drovers wife we will not always get what we want, but we should learn to satisfy what we have. There are many problems and obstacles that we have to face, and all those make us fit stronger and stronger, and give as such an important experience for our future steps. After reading this story, I strongly recommend it to other people who want to learn and experience more about life. Also lecturer should have risen thisstory to discuss much more and deeply on it, because student may benefit a lot from this story.
Thursday, May 23, 2019
Themes of “The Crucible”
Themes of The Crucible While reading The Crucible, two strong compositions are guilt and hypocrisy. This play by Authur Miller takes place in during the capital of Oregon Witch Trials in Massachusetts. The people involved were called Puritans. they had very strong beliefs such as predestination, and intolerance. When the trials began to come about, it caused great havoc in the small, prude community. Although this play seemed to be such a serious series of events, after reading it one will soon note that it is almost crossing a fine line of mockery.The themes that showed these traits pretty well were guilt and hypocrisy, which when looked at deeper bring out the extent of insanity throughout the play. These themes will begin to show how open and absurd the true motives actually are. The first theme, which is guilt, is initially shown very subtly notwithstanding then towards the end of the play, gets to an extreme. Mr. Hale is the first character we really notice effected by this . During act three, he begins to feel personally responsible for the people he condemned to hang, as they begin to look innocent.He exclaims, I have sign 72 death warrants, I am a minister of the lord (Miller, 1301). For the first time in the play, one of the characters actually says something to show their doubt, when everyone else is just always thinking and wondering if it could be true or not. Another character that show his guilt in this act is Danforth. He is the judge who have move all of the suspects, and sentenced the majority of them to death. After two of the girls that were the basis for everyones conviction skip town, Danforth begins to show his skepticism, but can not react. e understands clearly not that at that place is a strong possibility that the girls were lying, but still refuses to change his decision. After sentencing possibly innocent people to hang, his guilt can not empower him to do things to attempt to justify his previous actions. When Reverend Parri s tries to postpone the rest of the hangings, Danforth tells him, There will be no postponement (miller, 128). Although one might take this as confidence in his past judgments, he really does this because he feels there is no other option after killing innocent people.The next theme there are some very interesting qualities to is hypocrisy. This theme also ranges from subtle to extreme throughout the play, but hypocrisy is shown a little differently. genius example involves the popular group of puritans as a whole, and their beliefs. It is made clear that they think its only right for a child to speak when spoken to, but during the entire play the puritans seems to hang on a group of childrens words. they are not only listening to them, but killing innocent adults in go forth of it.During act II, one of the characters says, The voice of heaven is speaking through the children. (Miller, 1294) This sentence clearly states that what the children are telling them are extremely impor tant, mustiness be heard, and must be believed. Another character who shows hypocrisy throughout the play is Parris. He originally acts authoritative and powerful as he tries to pursued the court toward spellbind craft. Eventually he becomes weak and begs the court to reconsider for his own greed and name.Early in the play, Parris says to Dantforth, Hes come to over throw the court, your honor (Miller, 92), referring to Proctor when he brings a deposition to free innocent people. At the end of act three, the same man, Parris, goes back to the court and tells them, Tonight, when i open my door to leave my house a dagger clattered to the ground. you cannot hang this sort. there is danger for me(miller, 128). This statement shows how Parris now is trying to protect himself, and needs to try to justify the previous decisions.For a more general example of hypocrisy, there is one that involves the entire plot of the play. The goals of the puritans are to keep their community together, but now after dragging out the trials, the have ripped Salem apart. After reading this play, it is clearly evident that there are always underlying motives to peoples actions. this is shown not only through these examples but the entire dialog. This book was very interesting, and really held my interest compared to other pieces of literature previously read in english classes.
Wednesday, May 22, 2019
Mobile Phones Essay
organization 1 A wages of 15 per month for the line rental, plus 50p per minute for each c altogether made Scheme 2 A payment of 24 per month for the line rental, plus 20p per minute for each call made Scheme 3 A payment of 31 per month for the line rental, plus 10p per minute for each call made. I am going to investigate which scheme is best for people exploitation mobile phones. I leave alone also vary the line rental, vary the cost of each call, make comparisons, and make generalisations. I will show graphs, tables and a conclusion to my investigation.Scheme 1 A payment of 15 per month for the line rental, plus 50p per minute for each call made. My conclusion to my investigation is that all 3 schemes are cheap in at that place own way. Scheme 1 is good for people who like to make the odd call for a very short period of time in a month. Scheme 2 is good for people who maybe are more likely to do there mobiles more often but not for long in a month. Scheme 3 is good for people who want to and need to apply it frequently and make long periods of calls per month.So there is no real best scheme for people to use, it depends on who the person is and how often and long they will use the mobile phone in a month. The 3 schemes could be used for a family who has 4 members. Scheme 1 would be ideal for there kids who would just need it for the quick call to get picked up from school, scheme 2 would maybe suite the mother because she would want it to keep in equal with her kids and her husband, and scheme 3 mite benefit the husband who could use it for keeping in contact with his family and also to use it for clients at work.
Tuesday, May 21, 2019
Ethical Leadership: What It Is and How We Use It in Schools Essay
In the context of the have century, when the entire flesh of life is changing much faster than ever, rapidly increasing body of knowledge in e genuinely(prenominal) walk of life has do tinier issues look magnified. Today, what is considered as a most important requisite of a plan or strategy may non have even been noticed in the by days. As such(prenominal), education is unity domain where ch bothenges of the present judgment of conviction of diversity argon felt more than in any(prenominal) other theater of operations. Thus educational management and lead is one area that catches a good deal of scholarly attention.When it comes to leaders, ethical leaders takes the lead because today lead in cultivates is something super challenging due to the diverse environment of cultural diversity and so on. The present paper guardedly examines the phenomenon of ethical lead, and then makes empirical analysis as how it can be employed usefully in instructs for better surfacec omes. For this purpose, the present paper takes into account extensive research with obedience to ethical leading in takes.Today, the need for exploring the phenomenon of ethical leadership in an donnish environment has become a necessity peculiarly for those working at such positions principals and teachers. The present writer is a teacher and considers that the study of ethical leadership is highly important for professional growth and substantial results with regard to statement of pupils being taught at any level of schools. This study, henceforth, is useful not only for professional teachers, but it also encompasses grounds for other link people in the field. It will also be worthwhile for the common reader.Problem Statement On the face value, the phenomenon of ethical leadership remains a complex area which is in need of geographic expedition for its better pinch and implication in practical ways in a school or college, etc. For example, what is known from the observ able behaviors of leaders like principals and teachers may not be sufficient to punctuate any solid statement with regard to the explanation and implication of ethical leadership. However, this is another grey area to point out that observable behaviors have not been fully investigated in this regard.Different practices of leadership, say crosswise the educational setting of the United States of America, exist and need to be interpreted for a comprehensive exploration of ethics and the use of ethics to lead. As such it is important to address both these areas. From the explicit definition of explanation of what ethical leadership is to how it can be best practiced to positively influence an academic environment is at the core of the problem. A total of researchers have already delved into this area however, more withdraw is needed.The present paper looks at the issues from both the sides from its explanation to its implementation in best practical conditions. writings Review A vailable literature on ethical leadership yields a good deal of information. The compendious Encyclopedia of Philosophy (Craig, p. 256, 2000) states the following explanation for ethics What is ethics? First, the systems of value and custom instantiated in the lives of event groups of human beings are described as the ethics of these groups. This definition tells us that ethical leadership is astir(predicate) practices that leaders exercise with regard to pupils studying in their institutions.It means not me assert controlling the tangible actions of the learners but influencing their values and customs in a positive way. To Campbell (2000), Ethics are standards by which one should act based on values. Values are core beliefs such as duty, honor, and integrity that set off attitudes and actions (p. 23). As such, ethical leadership is something that aims at addressing the issues of attitudes and strikes honorablely the attitudes of workers and students in such a manner which po sitively provokes high level of motivation. According to Covrig, D. M. 2000), ethical leadership is the practice of effective ethical decision fashioning and leadership which responds to, preserves and clarifies the cheeks core values. Conflict and conflict heroism suggest a healthy moral administrative process (p. 40). If we look at this definition, we will notice that preserving and clarifying an organizations core values is one important factor that keeps the ethical leadership going. As such one simply observable point here is that an organization, say a school, will only beat to its core values only when these values are well defined and logged.If the values are not well defined, no effort will result in preserving any value because, according to the present writer, there will not be any values worth mentioning. This will, in turn, give no positive feedback for the practice of ethical leadership. Sergiovanni (1992) defines ethics in the following manner When purpose, social contract, and local school autonomy become the rear end of schooling, two important things happen. The school is transformed from an organisation to a covenantal community, and the basis of authority changes from an emphasis on bureaucratic and psychological authority to moral authority (p. 102).Foster (1986) pointed out the serious implication and significance of ethics in educational management as he penned that, severally administrative decision carries with it a restructuring of human life that is why administration at its heart is the resolution of moral dilemmas (p. 33). This definition again informs us of the richness of dealing with values and moral code of students rather of controlling them outwardly so that true basis of image can be fostered. The ethical leadership also addresses the role played by faculty and teachers. This is a switch-over from traditional views about leadership because they are simply top-down.They consider influence in terms of a mechanical pro cess. Hashem (1997) observes that The conventional leadership concepts and practices which rely on top-down philosophy, decisiveness, unemotional, and total control have been challenged by the transformational concept and more empowering practices (p. 94). When it comes to ethical leadership, what is to be achieved? is the question often asked by the critical eyes. The purpose of ethical leadership is to seed in students the government agency to build or construct knowledge genuinely by addressing their natural demands.Hence ethical leadership is constructivist in approach. According to Henson (2004) by this approach, students construct knowledge through the process in which an interaction betwixt their perception about their knowledge and new knowledge and ideas and experiences that come to their way of learning. This way the students practice highest possible model of ethical learning which is possible only if leaders practice ethical code to train their students. Initial resea rch worth-noticing in this area links as back to the past as the 1980s. twoscore empirically conducted studies were reviewed by Reid et al. 2004). They investigated the impact of school heads on different aspects of students functioning and teachers activities.With regard to the leadership impact on students, they found out positive attitudes of students to school, better mathematical and reading skills, and absenteeism + hooliganism were reduced. With regard to the impact of school leaders on teachers, Reid at el. found out that teachers satisfaction for course increased they used innovative techniques in classroom. Additionally, seven studies were conducted by Majestic et al. 2004). These studies also affirm that leadership by principals in schools positively impacted students basic learning skills and teachers attitude toward job satisfaction and use of goods and services of innovation by them in classroom settings. However, the researchers also came up with four additional t ypes of impacts. Andrews et al. (2002) also undertook a study in which they analyzed scores gained by students on standardized tests to examine the influence of school leaders. Teachers rated their principals on a band of strong, average, and weak leaders.The findings presented high correlations between what was achieved and how strong ethical leadership of these leaders was in both mathematical and reading skills. Four major areas were listed in this study, which were directly or indirectly influential for the strength of ethical leadership. These were (i) mobilization of human and material capital by principals to meet schools targets (ii) effective communication with regard to negotiating the set-goals (iii) their active involvement in schools teaching practices and (iv) the time span that these principals spent to make their presence known at school.These four areas are very influential if the leaders are at the top of the grid, that is, if they are trying their level best to a ct better in these four areas. As far as loyalty of teachers with regard to their teaching practices and leadership influence down to students, the principals who had the ability to address the moral issues of both the faculty and students were successful in attaining higher(prenominal) level of loyalty from their teachers (Spillane, 2004).As such, a number of school administrations have come to realize the importance of ethical leadership as being the powerful tool that can yield higher results in students not only with regard to their learning but also to the higher order thinking and moral strength of these students as prospective individual citizens. Now the focus should be how effectively these ethical leaders affect the course of learning of their students in connection with the above as well as in the present context of changing agricultures, cultural assimilations, self-concept in the fast-paced world, sense of community service, and so forth.This should be our future schoo ls (Hargreaves 2004 8-13). In this very regard, Hart (2004) points out to the importance of understanding and addressing the inside-school culture and its impact on the knowledge-construction and ethical character of the learners. According to him, future research should focus on the elements as to what extent the culture of a school helps train students ethical healthy and how much contribution can be made on the side of the principals and teachers (pp. 117-28).With this all review of literature review, what can be noticed is that ethical leadership is not a simple phenomenon which addresses only one or two areas of school leadership and the raising of the learners in a school. Substantially, ethical leadership is about building better moral values for character building and higher order thinking and learning. The process of ethical leadership is not simply top-down or bottom-up (which in contrast to traditional views of leadership) in fact, it is a combination of a number of proc esses taking place at a number of places in an organization like a school.These processes are present anywhere in the faculty, administrative staff, and students themselves. Thus, ethical leadership is the outcome of efforts put by all the major players in a school context. There is no doubt that such an approach to understanding ethical leadership and its implementation is the need of the present as well as future time so that higher order thinking and learning can be obtained making the students ethically strong.
Monday, May 20, 2019
Product and Services Design
Design is one of the components of the trading operations management. Specifically, carrefour and service formulate is one of the processes of the design.As states in Morris (2009, p.22), Product design is defined as the idea generation, concept development, testing and manufacturing or implementation of a physical object or service. swear out design is the activity of planning and organizing people, infrastructure, parley and material components of a service, in hunting lodge to improve its quality, the interaction between service provider and customers and the customers experience. Service design methodologies are used to plan and organize people, infrastructure, communication and material components used in a service. The increasing importance and size of the service sector, both in terms of people employed and economic importance, requires services to be accurately designed in order for service providers to remain competitive and to continue to attract customers. (Morelli, 2002, p.3-17)According to Slack, N., Chambers, S. & Johnston, R. (2010, p. 113-134), good products and services design is alpha for both companies and its customers. It fulfils the customers wants from the product and service design and also generates the profit for the companies. The performance of the product and service design is measured by its quality, speed, dependability, flexibility and cost. The stages of product and service design include concept design, concept screening, introductory design, evaluation & improvement and prototype and final design. All of these stages finally run out a in full developed product. As a result, a concept, a package and a process is designed in the product and service design.A concept is the understanding of the nature, use and value of the service or product a package of component products and services that provide those benefits defined in the concept the process defines the dash in which the component products and services will be crea ted and delivered. (Slack, N., Chambers, S. & Johnston, R., 2010)
Sunday, May 19, 2019
Love for Cooking Essay
To Be GradedGoal In this paper I tried to open to different ideas to preparedness contrary to giving directions about how to cook. I tried to provide each reason with two ideals to give readers a better understanding about what food can really be about. Evaluation I relish like I did sizeable on the overview on covering all the basics on cooking to where its understandable and relateable opposed to writing is as a recipe or directions list that close to people would think cooking is about.Cooking a satisfying dish has three expressions. The first aspect that is usually the most important is eating with the eyes. An example is how the dish is plated, how it smells, and how appealing and appetizing it looks to the eye. some other example that compares to the first example is that if food is plated sloppy or looks and smells unappetizing, it generally doesnt catch peoples attention. A chip aspect that relates to the first aspect is using fresh ingredients. Using fresh ingredien ts means a fitter meal, and also getting natural vitamins, minerals, carbohydrates, and ect. Another example is using fresh food opposed to elegant food, because everyone wants to knows what theyre eating. One last aspect is making the dish taste fantastic. A dish that tastes good has people eating more of it, even though it might not be good for them to over-stuff. Another reason is people asking for the recipe or asking the chef to prepare their meals boost confidence in the chef knowing she made a good meal for everyone. One thing that will always inhabit is that feeling of providing something delicious for the community that has them cominging back and a sense of happiness and successfullnes in a chef.
Saturday, May 18, 2019
Cell Phone Technology Essay
engineering science had draw engrained in our society. everywhere people ar using kiosk peals, including children and teenagers. Cell border technology and technology in universal run through change the way we do all(prenominal)thing in our society. Technology has dramatically altered our introduction. They have hold out a necessary part of everyday life so much so that it is leaking into the education world as a unfermented apparatus despite the refer of the contradictly charged effects of booth phone technology. There is a new wave in around schools roughly the United States. There are some districts that are embracing the character of carrel phones in the phratryroom. Some administers have come around to the thinking that the use up of this technology in the classroom can be of service in the attainment setting. There are also concerns that the same technology can be too distracting for students.However, the use of cubicle phones in the educational wo rld is worth looking at despite some of the concerns that many adults share. Texting has become the preferred method of basic communication between teenagers and their friends. Seventy-five percentage of 12-17 year olds own cell phones, which is up from forty-five percent in 2004 (Lenhart, 2010). Phones have no doubt become an indispensable tool in communication for teens. Eighty-eight percent of teen cell phone users are text messengers (Lenhart, 2010). more than than half (fifty-four percent) are daily texters. Among all teens, the use of texting has overtaken the frequency of every other form of communication. The concern about the overuse of cell phones is that it may have negative consequences in teenagers education. of text messages that teens send are sent during class. A survey conducted by Benesons online pollard, polled 1,013 teens- eighty-four percent that have cell phones-show that a significant number of students have information stored on their phones or has texted answers to their friends.The same poll also found teens send 440 text messages a week on average, 110 of them sent during class (Toppo, 2009). For this basis cell phone use is prohibited for use during the school say within most public schools in the United States. Most administrations and instructors feel that cell phone usage is a negative confusion and deterrent to breeding. Administrators are often concerned about the inappropriate use of cell phones, which is the reason that in that respect are restrictions of cell phone (according to Obringer & Coffey, 2007, St. Gerard, 2006). Cell phones ringing can present unwanted distraction and for some students, sending and receiving text messages that can lead to cheating (according to Gilroy, 2003). There is also the current surmise of students posting improper pictures is a concern (according to Obringer & Coffey, 2007). However, many are choosing to look at cell phones as a new learning tool in the classroom setting.Over the years we have seen on the news about students posting improper photos and language on social networking sites, which causes administrators and teachers to have a real concern. These concerns that many have are valid, and should be addressed. There have been many cases in which the abuse of cell phones has been a huge problem, but administrators want to take a chance on using cell phones in this setting. The important thing to keep in mind that there is down side, yes, but there is a way to monitor the use of this technology too. PPCD teacher Debra Vela, who has 17 years of teaching work through says, Sexting, posting of improper photos and cheating may be a legitimate worry, but the benefits outweigh these negative points. Students nowa days are referred to as Digital Natives (according to Prensky, 2001). They have grown up with technology and multitasking, and in the clothes of quickly processing information (Humble-Thaden, 2011).However, as cell phone technology expands with th e possibilities of texting, web browsing and drama have increased over the recent years and administrators are in time worried about the distractions of electronic devices. A survey of students and parents by the group Common Sense Media found that almost seventy percent of schools around the country ban cell phone use during the school day (Schachter, 2009). There are some districts and administrators, though that are beginning to realize the potential of cell phones. It is a part an anytime, anywhere learning movement (Schachter, 2009). This leaves laptops and even smaller netbooks behind, in favor for more smooth, affordable and reliable hand-held devices like smartphones that can run such chopines as Windows Mobile.Technology has finally progressed to where mobile devices are specious and powerful enough to use, observes Elliot Soloway, a professor at the University of Michigan (Schachter, 2009). A study of twenty-five mobile learning initiatives worldwide by the Joan Gan z Cooney Foundation Center at Sesame Workshop anointed them the wave of the future. fair(a) as Sesame Street help transformed television into a revolutionary tool for learning among young children four decades ago, advances in mobile technologies are showing untapped educational potential for todays generation, the report authors wrote (Schachter, 2009). In 1969, the way children learned changed when Sesame Street aerate on PBS. The loved Muppets of the educational show captured the hearts and attention of toddlers.The show taught them the basics of 123s and alphabets to the importance of friendships. Before the age of four, children had already learned the basics for their future education by watching this television show. The same is happening today with the use of cell phones. It is drastically changing the vitrine of the way children learn and take information in. Fifth graders at Trinity Meadows (Keller, TX) spent most of their days on their HTC 6800 smartphones, using the GoKnows platform. Fifty-five students led the way in a pilot program using the new generation of cell phones and their advanced technology for educational ends. For example, students can draw the solar system on their devices and animate them to show them in real obit. Students can also upload assignments the teacher sends to the server and then the teacher can grade them and submit them back to the student electronically (Schachter, 200). At an early age, children are learning the returns of technology, and will carry it into the future. They are learning to use cell phones as a learning tool, and making the best of what this technology has to offer.Children today have a chance to indicate themselves fancifully and learn in a way that they are familiar with. They are at an advantage since they are already so use to using the technology the world has to offer. Allowing children to use cell phone technology in the classroom will provide them with the tools for more creativity to create wonderful projects, Vela says. This pilot program has shown that the use of cell phone technology in the classroom can be of benefit to the students. Not only that the teachers have a new method of go pasting students that they otherwise would not have. With the use of cell phone teachers have new ways of teaching lessons, and the interactivity of these lessons are more likely to reach the minds of students. With the use of cell phone technology in the classroom the children that enquire a more creative outlet this provides them with platform to do so. Children that need this outlet can create and not be bind down to pencil, paper, marker, crayons and glue.This allows them to be able to express themselves using the medium that they know best. Using cell phones in the classroom settings as a tool enables them to stay focused and interested in the things that they are learning. Technology is such an important part of everyday life, especially in cell phone technologies. And because of the increasing value of cell phone technology has allowed the next generation to use them in a whole new way to learn. Although, there is concern about the overuse of cell phones, the benefits may outweigh the negatives. I still think students need to learn the old fashion way because what happens if technology becomes unavailable to them?Also students need to be able to use their brains for higher learning, says Vela. Technology is a wonderful tool to use in the classroom for all age groups. They can benefit from the interactivity of the Internet and all the information that the World liberal Web has to offer students as well as teachers. Children in todays classrooms have an opportunity that past generations did not have. They have the chance to make a big impression on their lives by allowing themselves to use cell phones to their advantage not their disadvantage.The technology of cell phones has taken over almost every aspect of human activity. Adults as well as ch ildren have been consumed by the use of them, and now it has leaked over into the world of education. There are many concerns about the overuse of this technology, but many districts are fetching the chance to embrace it and try it out in the classrooms. It has been shown that there are benefits for school children. Although, there is some debate about this issue it is important to remember that there is a need for balance.ReferenceLenhart, Amanda. (2010). Teens, cell phone and texting. Pew Research Center Publications. Retrieved 3 June 2012 from http//, Beth. (2011). Student Reflective Perception of High give instruction Educational Cell Phone Technology Usage. Journal of Technology Studies.Retrieved 3 June 2010 from http//, Greg. (2009). Survey Many teens use phones in class to text or cheat. USA Today. Retrieved 3 June 2012 from http//, Ron. (2009). Mobile Devices in the classroom. District ecesis Ma gazine. Retrieved 4 June 2012 from http// Debra Vela, PPCD Teacher, 17+ years teaching.
Friday, May 17, 2019
Handle Information in Health and Social Care Setting
CU2470 Handle asking in Health and Social care settings 1. 1 The legislation that relates to recording storage and sharing of cultivation known as care plans is the Data Protection Act 1998. There are 8 principles to be followed when gathering data 1) processed fairly and lawfully 2) processed only for 1 or more(prenominal) lawful purpose 3) adequate and relevant 4) accurate and up to date 5) kept for no chronic than necessary 6) processed in line with the right of the individual 7) secured against loss or damage 8) non transferred to countries out of EEA. . 2 It is important to have secure systems for recording and storing entropy to prevent personal information from being misused. Any information that has been gathered is confidential but written evidence may be required by other professionals on occasions. Also if new staff members arrive they can read the care plans to gain only the information needed. 2. 1 I would follow my companys policies and procedures for direction and advice about handling information but would in any case speak to my directors or Human resources office.Information can also be gained from government websites for advice or other professionals. 2. 2 If there are concerns over the recording storing or sharing of information i would document and report my concerns and secure all the information immediately. 3. 1 concur ways of working relates to the companys and government policies in relation to Care Plans. All documents should be evaluated and reviewed regularly, updated as required, completed and legible so others are able to decipher them. 3. 2 Agreed ways of working when ) Recording information would be to follow the companys and government policies to ensure all information gathered is accurate, legible, complete and confidential. b) Storing information all information that is gathered should be stored in locked file cabinets that are only accessible to the persons requiring access to information. c) Sharing information Company and government policies need to be followed with regard to sharing information to prevent fraudulent use and confidential information being discover inappropriately. Data protection codes should be adhered to at all times.
Thursday, May 16, 2019
The impact of Gorbatchev's reform Glasnost on arts and media between Research Paper
The impact of Gorbatchevs reform Glasnost on arts and media between 1980 and 1990 - Research Paper object lessonIn 1985 Mikhail Gorbachev became the Secretary of the CPSU and introduced the concept pr policy of Glasnost. Translated to English, Glasnost centre openness. Glasnost was an important component of Gorbachevs perestroika by which Gorbachev attempted to raise the sagging economic fortunes of the Soviet Union and make the inefficient system of judicature more efficient (Gibbs, 1999). 2. Literature Review Understanding the impact of Gorbachevs glasnost on arts and media in the Soviet Union in its early years till 1990, is a challenge in understand what it meant during that period and the objective of Gorbachev in introducing it. From 1985 to 1988 many interpretations were given by different sources for glasnost. While openness, public airing, and emancipation of speech were the most commonly used interpretations, there were wordier interpretations. An astute interpretatio n put forward was that glasnost was the means by which Gorbachev intended to enlist the entire huge media of the country towards attacking the entrenched party workers and disposal bureaucrats that were so keen on profiting from the existing system of governance. ... as meant as maximum openness and reality in the activity of the state and public organizations But at the same time glasnost is not correspondent with universal permissiveness, the undermining of socialist values it is invoked to strengthen socialism, the socialist code of morals(Gibbs, 1999, p.13). Yet, in his memoirs Gorbachev himself that the glasnost that he had introduced with limited freedom aims, but glasnost broke out of the limits that we had initially tried to frame and became a process that was beyond anybodys control (Gibbs, 1999, p.14). 2.1. Influence of Glasnost on Visual Art Government censorship of art for several decades in the Soviet Union under the CPSU had led to a situation where genuine optical art had about become non-existent in the Soviet Union. The censorship introduce by the Soviet government was so acidulous that it made sure that visual art could not become a means for registering agitation for political reforms or as a platform for criticism of the government. Instead under pressure from the government visual art had become a visual tool and visual ally of the government. During the days of Stalin a non-conformist artificer could end up in the Gulag or be put to death for non-conformist art was considered to be a part of political dissension. The only option left for non-conforming artists was to leave the country, like Ilya Kabokov and present to the rest of the population the fallacies that existed with regards to the political and social situation in the Soviet Union. Visual art prior to glasnost was in actuality a state sanctioned art that presented and idealistic picture of the state of politics and social situations under the CPSU in the Soviet Union. Th us visual art presented a very biased picture of the actuality in
Wednesday, May 15, 2019
International Comparative Analysis Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words
International Comparative Analysis - Essay moralThis essay focuses on analyzing and presenting of the international comparative degree analysis, that is highly relevant in todays growth-oriented societies in which problems can crop up when large concentrations of people are put within a relatively small area such as in highly-urbanized cities of the developing countries. In particular, urbanization continues to pose earnest challenges to country planners who pay to contend with limited and finite resources while populations continue to expand. This paper discusses some approaches employ to the urban renewal efforts of cities suffering urban decay. The theories from comparative analysis are useful when explaining new patterns of spacial development, like uneven or unequal development such as the new poly-centric patterns of urban growth. The practical(a) application of comparative analysis is to learn from the de-industrialisation taking place in cities like London and sassy Y ork and apply them to waves of industrialisation taking place in China and the Asia-Pacific. An interesting use of international comparative analysis get out be determining which of the two largest nations in the world can pull rancid an economic miracle. It is concluded by the researcher that theoretical and practical applications of international comparative analysis will guide modern city planners when drafting country policies for development. It will let the countries to maximize all the resources they have and avoid the mistakes of the past because it is very hard to undo them in future.
Tuesday, May 14, 2019
Code of Ethics Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words
Code of ethics - Essay ExampleNo one person can run this organization therefore, it is imperative that we demand associates who be friendly, knowledgeable, and understand exactly what their respective roles in the company are. We hold our associates to the highest ethical standards. We expect our employees to turn out in such a way, on campus and off, that no shame or degradation will be cast upon Whitehouse chromatic.Business ethics, to us, is defined as behavior that would directly result in the loss of nodes, or invite lawsuits. For example, good business ethics dictate that all Whitehouse Cherry associates keep all customer information confidential. This information includes their names, and all identifying information like addresses, social security numbers, and phone numbers. Our customers are insure that their information will neither appear on a listserv, nor will it be sold to temptingness companies or surveyors. As well, credit card information should only be entere d into our database at the time customers are making purchases, whether in person, or via Web. Associates may not write down credit card numbers, firing dates, or security code information wholly, or in better. If an associate experiences any difficulty immersion credit card information into the database, please see a senior associate to complete the transaction. This district applies to all forms of payment received by Whitehouse Cherry, including checks and Pay Pal accounts. Failure to adhere to any part of this rule will result in immediate dismissal of the associate, as per our agreement, written or implied, with the customer.Whitehouse Cherry associates mustiness never discuss customers, except with pertinent personnel, and for business and problem resolution reasons only. Even then, non-pertinent personnel, and customers, must not be within hearing range of the associates in discussion. Associates who overhear non-pertinent conversations must a) keep the
Monday, May 13, 2019
The Old English Language Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words
The Old English Language - Research Paper ExampleSandwich, for demonstration, is speak as samwich. D is omitted and N becomes m, and it makes simpler to pronounce. (Gardiner A 2003) Earlier than the Anglo-Saxons invaded, is the Language voiced in the British Isles were Celtic Jutes and Angles Saxons in the UK population their tribes were at conflict with the indigenous persons and shoved them back to the West and North to what is instanter Scotland and Wales. (Crystal D 1998) The initial Celtic Language still exists as Gaelic, Welsh, Breton and the Isle of Man. This is a new vicinity became the ground of the Anglo-Saxon or Angle-land . The Language was alike to Modern Frisian. Old English three dialects approximately 850, the Vikings invaded and leveraged by the Language of numerous North German phrases in their Language of Old Norse. The Language use in this meter span (500-1100) called Old English. Christian missionaries presented the literacy and Language soaked up numerous Latin phrases, particularly phrases attached with the church. Old English Language was initially in writing in runic alphabet called Runic alphabet. It occurred out of 24 Runes Elder Futhark. It was in writing level in any direction. Similarly, the phrase alphabet is entitled after the Greek phrase alpha + beta. Many of the notes in the runic alphabet apparently resemble the Modern matching of (B, R, F, T, P and M). Graddol D et al, (2001) Middle English time span, it is tough to determine. The Normans invaded in 1066 and their leverage of the French Language to English, but not immediately. Middle English is tell to start round 1150. When the Normans conquered England, French became the Language of power. French-speaking barons, abbots and bishops were in location in the name attend to in England. There was a tributary of French merchants and craftsmen who have traversed the boundary to take benefit of go-ahead opportunities.
Sunday, May 12, 2019
Athens and Florence Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words
capital of Greece and Florence - Essay ExampleFreestanding sculpture became a popular culture amongst artists in capital of Greece between 300 and 400 BCE.Political structures of renaissance Florence comprised of city-states wherein a more or fewer residents shared authority. This make politics slightly core complex for Italy considering the rest of Europe during this era had monarchial structures of government. City-states in Florence made oath-making and duties a world of civil conflicts amongst leaders. By 1425, Florence had a population of 60,000 with twelve artist guilds acting as a foundation for social life. These guilds controlled social influences within Florence through highly held positions. Lastly, culture in renaissance Florence depended approximatelyly on wealth. A trend for self-marketing by merchant guilds slowly turned into a cultural get of Florence and its renaissance benefaction. Wealthy individuals reveled in personal adoration and spiritual prosperity that fo unded Florences culture during the 1400s.The most important similarity between Athens during its golden age and renaissance Florence is their introduction of democratic or representative types of administration, profound literature, and art into their respective regions. The most important difference between these two cities is that Athens serves a model for determining accomplishments made by western cities from the fifth to fourth centuries B.C.E. and Florence used wealth to identify its culture, government, and
Saturday, May 11, 2019
FINANCIAL MANAGEMENT assignments 1-4 Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
FINANCIAL counsel assignments 1-4 - Essay ExampleIt is an indispensable tool for the economists, investors and analysts to measure the well-being of an economy. Real GDP is different from nominal GDP as it takes into account the inflation, thus producing a better scale of measurement. 2) Define and indicate the logical implication of the LIBOR. What was the LIBOR at the time you completed the assignment? LIBOR is the London Interbank Offered Rate and it is the rate at which the most creditworthy banks lend funds to each other. It is considered as a benchmark rate in the major countries of the creative activity such as US, UK and Canada. LIBOR is considered as of paramount importance in the corporate world because when the LIBOR increases it creates a fiscal panic, which tightens the flow of credit and erodes the trust between the banks for their ability to pay each other. In addition to that, all in all the credit loans such as credit card, mortgages and student loans are depend ent on LIBOR therefore it has a direct impact on the consumers. It is estimated that $360 trillion of international financial products are based on LIBOR (Reynolds, 2010). contemporary LIBOR LIBOR 1-Month 3-Months 6 Months 0.26% 0.31% 0.46% Source LIBOR, other interest rate indexes ( 3) Define and indicate the significance of the prime rate.
Friday, May 10, 2019
Genetically Modified Foods Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 4750 words
genetically Modified Foods - query Paper Exampleh, environmental and genetic effects especially among long-term consumers. I. Introduction This paper highlighted somewhat of the major effects that have been identified from the use of genetically modified foods such as roundup soya, BT cotton wool among other animal feeds II. ... On this premise, these groups have been at the forefront of resisting any move by the regime and regulatory bodies to legalize the use of genetically modified foods III. Methodology To provide a critical paygrade of the topic, different case studies have been highlighted to demonstrate the studied effects of genetically modified foods The Pustzai case theater demonstrated how use of genetically modified potatoes increases the development of cancer cells in the body Monsanto developed soybean has been associated with a number of allergic reactions due to the nature of the proteins that results into immunoglobulin E initiated reactions The case study on t he presence of gene transfer among genetically modified organisms and gut microorganisms has similarly been associated with the development of antibiotic resistance IV. Results From the case studies presented and the literature reviews done on this topic, the use of genetically modified foods have wide-cut range impacts on the health of the consumers and on the environment However, a number of positive attributes have also been identified through scientific research that makes the technology worth trying and doing more studies on V. Conclusions Genetically modified foods hold a great potential in the elimination of the current food crisis in the country However, the use of this technology must be strictly regulated and all safety issues interpreted care of to eliminate all the health concerns raised by different research findings The technology also presents significant implications on the environment which must be effectively handled and all GMFs evaluated to provide the link b etween their effects on the environment Abstract The current surge in the world population has resulted into
Thursday, May 9, 2019
Modeling the Exchange Rate and Balance of Payments Essay
Modeling the Ex transmute Rate and Balance of Payments - turn up ExampleMany countries use financial institutions, central banks, to invest in several monetary and financial systems and other resources in their quest to predict alter regulate and determine international trade as well as a balance of payment. Several theories have been forwarded to determine the value of exchange rate and balance of payments, and in this summary, we will discuss the determinants of a balance of trade, the IS-LM-BP approach and the monetary approach in relation to the two (Melvin and Norrbin, 225).The elasticity approach to the balance of trade explains that the economic behavior involves satisfaction of the measureless wants with limited resources. One effect of this is that consumers and business firms end up substituting the expensive good for the more than affordable ones as prices change to stretch their budgets as far as they can. Relative prices usually change relative to demand and suppl y for individual goods. Such changes may be caused by an alteration in tastes, the method of production, government taxes, or subsidies amongst other possible causes. If the changes concern the prices of goods at home relative to the outside goods, the international trade patterns may actually be altered. The elasticity approach to the balance of trade involves the modality changing of relative prices of the domestic and foreign goods will affect and possibly change the balance of trade. Furthermore, it provides an outline of how the issue of devaluation affects the balance of trade in relation to the elasticity of supply and demand for foreign exchange and foreign goods in the concerned market (Melvin and Norrbin 226).The devaluation of a countrys currency domestically normally raises the price of foreign goods in relation to the domestic goods within that country.
Wednesday, May 8, 2019
George Herbert Mead Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words
George Herbert Mead - Essay Examplegenerally, which arouse in the individual himself the response which he is calling out in the other, and such that from the point of view of that response he is able to extend his later conduct. The gesture of one individual is his response to the symbols being sh confess by the lodge. This is where the re twistion of an individual comes from. Symbols perpetually presuppose the ability of each participant in a communicative process to visualize his own performance from the standpoint of the others, to take the role of the others. In nonsymbolic interaction human beings, like animals, respond nowadays to one a nonher. In symbolic interaction, where they use signifi push asidet gestures, they interpret each others attitudes and act on the groundwork of the meaning yielded by such interpretations. In Meads work individual responses on the way he sees the society. It is the society that dictates his actions and responses to one another.The society has somewhat really influenced me as an individual. ... rates nonsignificant (unself- advised) gestures, as found on the animal level, from the significant (self-conscious) gestures that characterize most human intercourse. As an individual I usually act based on intuition. What the situation or the symbols presented to me is my cue as to what my decision would be. I have conditioned from George Mead writings that interpretation is important. Interpreting once gesture or symbol would lead to a better communication. hitherto sometimes simple reaction that is not intentionally done would result in problems and wrong interpretation. That makes me speak up that Mead maybe had a personal experiences on the symbols and action that he has mentioned on his writing. For me what is important is how you convey your marrow to others. A simple tap on the shoulder of your friend would mean that you are on his spot whenever he has a problem. Or others would interpret it differently. Mead had shown me the difference in the reaction of human to non human. Animals would behave differently than man. Sometimes animals would not show any signs that he is going to attack you, while human can show that he is going to attack by his facial reactions and gestures. The communicative process includes the self conscious adjustment of the person to the conduct of others. The responses to each other conduct would include definition, redefinition and interpretation and reinterpretation. Experience is not first individual and then social. Each individual is continually involved in a age of joint enterprises with others, which form and shape his mind. Consciousness is not a given it is emergent.People would blame boob tube and media when something bad happen. This resulted in many survey being done by several organization on the influence of media
Tuesday, May 7, 2019
Article's Critique 2 Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words
Articles Critique 2 - Essay ExampleHowever, Anna M. Miller maintains a different perspective of the sustainability of the various alternatives base on the authorization benefits and costs they would impose on the people. Nonetheless, the validity of the authors view on the much- requisite reforms in the health care celestial sphere at the time is debatable.The main purpose of Millers article Health Care Reform Clarifying the Concepts is to comprehend the financial issues that relate to the health care reform. In the article, the author primarily describes the various options conceptualized by specific interest groups and policymakers (Miller, 1993). Effecting a meaningful reform in the health care sector require a prudent consideration of the different financial strategies to go acrossing various reform options as discussed at length in the article. Most often, in the application of individual insights and the maintenance of mutual interest, we are prompted to perceive things di fferently. In alliance with the reforms, it is the viewpoint of the author that the available financial reform strategies are oversimplified with an intention of exploring their basics. Maybe or by chance not. The issue of the options being oversimplified in the article is the authors belief that may not be the case for the nonsubjective reader. The intricacy of the strategies is maintained when the little distinction between the options is made, and we only find that it is difficult to tell the credibly better direction one should take.Millers intention in writing the article was to reveal how challenging it was to implement the inevitable reforms in health care. The authors intention to contrast the push for basic reforms and incremental changes, as advocated for by different forces, can be established with ease. It is the authors belief that implementing any changes in the health sector required the political goodwill of the policymakers (Miller, 1993).
Monday, May 6, 2019
Prison Overcrowding - Causes and Effects, Reforms to Reduce the Issue Coursework
Prison Overcrowding - Causes and Effects, Reforms to Reduce the Issue - Coursework ExampleThe real essence of imprisonment is not achieved since prisons become places of dehumanizing the prisoners unnecessarily, rather than serving as correction centers. Overcrowding results in undesirable situations such(prenominal) as prisoner strikes, epidemics, death, prison breaks amongst other things. Such situations are unremarkably overwhelming to the prison administrations and usually attract undue disapproval from human rights organizations (Cox et al 1984 p. 1149). This paper is a discussion and a particular evaluation of reforms that can reduce prison overcrowding. There are several factors that contribute to prison overcrowding. The laws of many an(prenominal) countries require that suspects be kept in remand awaiting conviction. The number of crimes punishable by imprisonment is high, including whatsoever which fines can be an effective alternative. With the current rate of populat ion increase, there is a possibility of a continuous rise in crime. This means that prisons will be receiving inmates from time to time, creating the possibility of an increase in overcrowding within prisons.The behavior of prisoners is largely affected by overcrowding, mainly tending to lean towards anti-social actions facilitated by loafing and the presence of a large number of people with varied behavior in a atrophied space. There is therefore need for reforms that could reduce prison overcrowding. - Shortening prison sentences would be significant in reducing prison overcrowding. It can help in avoiding the accumulation of prisoners since as more are brought in, others yield to create more space. - The offenders who are not violent and have been proved incapable of jeopardizing the security of the common can be put under community work until they complete their sentence. Parole reforms can wanton a significant role in reducing overcrowding in prisons.- Constant evaluation of progress in terms of prisoner improvement is important in order to release prisoners who have reformed and so on
Sunday, May 5, 2019
How to Be a Better Learner Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words
How to Be a Better Learner - Essay ExampleThe researcher states that every adept of us has his own unique good or bad flare of learning new things. learn preferences change depending upon past bring more than the cognitive differences. Style changes over time, says Dr. Sarah Church. While it is assertable to recognize different essential features of a learning style, it must be known that the learning sue modifies with the passage of time at the individual level. Robotham also asserts that once students develop a learning style, they run for to refine that style based on three factors un apprised modifications made by the learner himself, conscious modifications made by the learner, and modifications made by some outside element. The researchers past experience tells him that he has adapted quite a few learning styles over time. When the author was a child, he used to enjoy the audio learning style because he enjoyed listening to poems over the cassette player when he had to l earn them. But today, the author categorizes himself as a visual independent learner and an assimilator of Kolbs learning styles. Independent learning is the type of learning in which the learner takes charge of his learning process, harmonize to Holec. This learning style makes the learner responsible as he knows that he is accountable to himself of the consequences. Independent learners be able to make a decision and make informed choices without relying on their teachers and colleagues. pendant learning style is one in which the learner only does what is required and shows little curiosity in knowing more. Dependent learners are always looking up to their peers, teachers and authority figures for support and guidance.
Saturday, May 4, 2019
Individual Report Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words - 1
Individual Report - Essay Example..10 Forecasts and Outcomes13 References14 executive director Summary Stereotyping and prejudice are forms of discrimination. Hurst (2007) stated, unrivalled reason for stereotypes is the lack of personal, concrete familiarity that individuals have with persons in otherwise racial or ethnic groups. Lack of familiarity encourages the lumping together of unknown individuals. In the case of stereotyping, individuals are put option into groups that make them appear to have similar distinctions that give them an identity. Such groups could be identified by race, age, gender, and educational attainment to name a few. These forms of discrimination are evident in the workforce various organizations. Moreover, ever-changing times have ca substance abused the amplification of some forms of discrimination, while other forms have subsided. However, despite the lowered levels of trusted forms of discrimination, employees are still significantly affected by it. Discrimination has caused decreased moral, poor job satisfaction, and change magnitude employee turnover. Furthermore, discrimination not only affects the employees, it ultimately causes poor overall performance of an organization. It is important for an organization to master the welfare of its workforce in tramp to ascertain that the organization would be able to perform competitively and effectively. The client, which is a logistics caller-up based in Kuwait, has problems in stereotyping and prejudice in the workplace. The group suggest the use of Geert Hostedes five cultural dimensions in assessing the issues of the organization. In addition, various management styles could also be considered in order to help eliminate or at least minimize the issue of discrimination within the workplace. The quest sections would offer up justification for the chosen cultural theory and management styles, while aligning it with the aim of resolving the issue of stereotyping and prejudice in the workplace of the logistics company. Terms of Reference The group is composed of consulants from an HR consulting company which has been contracted to identify ways of improving the organizational cutlure of a culturally diverse company company. One of the primary issues that was brought up is stereoptyping and discrimination. This paper will tackle these issues in greater depth. The client is a macroscopic scale company that offers logistics services from specific drop-off and pick-up stations to any point in the world. chief(prenominal) offices are located in Kuwait, Qatar, and the United Arab Emirates. The company offers sea, land, and air freight services. Among the aims of the company are to provide excellent services by cost and schedule control, efficiency and safety of operations. Moreover, the logistics company achieves profitability through solid dedication to catering to the needs of their customers and through the development of its employees. The client handle s more than 750 employees. With a relatively large workforce, diversity among the employees is absolute. The company recorded employee citizenship to range from local recruits to American and European executives. In addition, employees take issue in educational attainment. They
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